Presented by Darshan Balakrishna Shetty
Contents Internet of Things? Sample IoT devices What's Smart? Why Now? IoT in Power Grids and Homes Smart Grid and Smart Meter Q&A
Internet of Things? “Things having identities and virtual personalities operating in smart spaces using intelligent interfaces to connect and communicate within social, environmental, and user contexts” -Smart System Integration org
Sample IoT Applications
What's Smart? 1. Passive: Communicate only when queried. Passive RFID, QR codes (Nirjeeva) 2. Active: Communicates when needed. Sensors, Home automation (1-4 sense) 3. Aware: Action based on simple computation. E.g., tele-health(5-sense) 4. Autonomous: Can make decisions based on rules. E.g., autonomous cars, smart grid (Human)
Popular fields in IoT Applications
Why Now? Cheap sensors Cheap bandwidth Cheap processing Smartphones Ubiquitous wireless coverage Big data IPv6
How the IoT system looks
IoT in Power Grids and Home Smart Home: Consists of all the smart appliances in home which communicates with each other and are able to take decisions on each others readings. Power Grid: Power distribution to the smart home and the guideline pricing based on the past peak hours seen. Smart Meter: Smart meters are the digital energy meters with smart chip and scheduler which can make decision on scheduling the electrical home appliances based on the guideline price received from the power grid.
Peak hour-Pricing Graph
Scheduling Algorithm
Smart Grid System
Smart Home Scenario
Smart Home Scenario(Cont..)
Smart Meter App
References Xiaodao Chen, Tongquan Wei, Member, IEEE, and Shiyan Hu, Senior Member, IEEE “Uncertainty-Aware Household Appliance Scheduling Considering Dynamic Electricity Pricing in Smart Home” number= Internet of Things Challenges and Issues – Prof. Raj Jain
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