1 John Parsons BEAMA What is a Smart Distribution Grid?
2 Grid of the future
3 3 Drivers Climate change Smart technology Finance
4 Decarbonisation of energy supply Switch of load from fossil fuel to electricity and renewables –Electric vehicles –Heat pumps –Wind –Nuclear / CSC –PV –CHP
5 Smart devices and communications Increasingly every device has intelligence –Smart meters –Smart appliances –IPv6 and the Internet of everything Communications media becoming available for all applications – R.F. / PLC / twisted pair / fibre –Broadband
6 Finance Need to rebuild generation capacity Need to rebuild TS/DS Can’t afford business as usual The role of the smart grid is to: –Avoid generation capacity –Avoid reinforcement of TS and DS –Increase the utilisation of the Grid Make use of the smart technology
7 Features of Smart Grid New advanced technology for LV Grid Improved operation of LV Grid Demand management –Control of load –Control of generation Data and communications
10 Issues for the UK Security – the more powerful you make the grid the more this is an issue Does the UK energy market model make us an outlier or a leader? Smart metering – can it be designed to support smart grids without halting the roll out? Development of new players and businesses – energy services/aggregators Demand response: –How much flexibility in load/generation –Market based or remote control, manual or automatic