› Energy WP 2012: priorities and topics Piotr Świątek, NCP Energy
Solar Energy Photovoltaics CSP Wind Energy Wind energy Bio Energy Bioenergy Other renewable energies Ocean Hydro Geothermal Fuel cells and hydrogen Energy networks Smart grid Clean coal/CCS Coal and steel (RFCS) Energy efficiency Efficiency and savings FP7 ENERGY RESEARCH Horizontal aspects Socio-economic research Future emerging technologies & materials
Examples of EU – Funding schemes - Focus Energy ENERGIE / FP7 - RTD ENERGIE / FP7 - Demo IEE / CIP FCH - JTI Research ….. Application ….. Pilot.…. Prototype ….. Series ….. ESF LIFE EERP ERC RFCS NMP… / FP7
Operational Programmes LIFE work programme Implementation: projects, networks, award of grants and subsidies, etc. work programme – work programme – work programme Capacities: 4,1 Bn Regions of Knowledge (126 M) Dev Research policy (CREST, ERA-Watch, OMC- Nets) (70 M) SME research (1,3 Bn) Research potential of cohesion regions (340M) Science & Society. (280 M) Infrastructure (1,7 Bn) incl Risk sharing finance facility (RSFF) Cooperation: 32,4 Bn Themes: Energy (2,3 Bn); Environment (1,9 Bn); Space (1,4 Bn); Social & Econ.Sciences (0,6 Bn) ICT (9 Bn); etc Formats: JTI (incl Risk sharing finance facility RSFF) Art 169: cooperation of nat. Programmes ERA-Nets (plus) etc Enterprise & Innovation (EIP) 2,1 Bn Financial instruments (1,1 Bn) Service networks: SME consultancy, Technology- transfer, FP7 participation, IPR use and awareness Networking of actors: policy development and learning Analysis and studies e-business Eco-innovation (430 M): market replication; Financial instruments, Networking Etc. ICT 728 M ( market up-take ICT; e-learning; ICT application ) Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) 727 M (Energy efficiency; market up-take; awareness raising) ERDF, ESF, Cohesion Fund Objectives: Convergence (251 Bn) Competitiveness & employment (49,1 Bn; ERDF, ESF) Territorial cooperation (successor to INTERREG) (7,75 Bn) Priorities: Research, Innovation, Environment New Instruments: JEREMIE (SME financial instrument) JESSICA urban dev. JASPERS technical assistance + EAFRD & EFF Comenius (preschool, comp. and Upper Sec) Leonardo da Vinci (vocational edu. & training) Erasmus (university level scholarships ) ErasmusMundus (third country) Grundtvig (adult education) E Twinning : ICT in schools Transversal Act. Environment: policy monitoring & policy development; NGO projects 5 Committees 10 Com- mittees Committee Com- mittee Com- mittee Ideas: Fundamental research (ERC) 7,5 Bn People: Marie-Curie- Scholarships (4,7 Bn) JRC (Joint Research Centres) 1,75 Bn 3 Committees Managing Authorities (Member States & Regions LIFE+ EIT LIFE+ 2,1 Bn Structural Funds 347 Bn CIP Competitveness & Innovation 3,6 Bn FP7 Research and Development 54 Bn LLP Education & Training 6,2 Bn Agencies Member States / COM FP7 Agency (People, SME) ERC (Ideas) COM (INFSO) COM (ENTR, ENV) COM (RTD, ENERGY, MOVE, INFSO) EIB/EIF : CIP financial instruments, FP7: RSFF CIP Agency EACI Regions / MS / Agencies Bodies for territorial cooperation EIF : JEREMIE EII
Energy in Cooperation Program
Nationale Kontaktstelle Energie: Calls ENERGY-2012 Call identifierTitleReleasedDeadlineBudgetEvaluation FP7-ENERGY ENERGY CALL PART Two-step FP7-ENERGY ENERGY CALL PART 2XX Single step FP7-ENERGY- SMARTCITIES-2012 Smart Cities And CommunitiesXX Singel step FP7-ERANET RTD ERA-NET PLUS - BIOENERGY DEMONSTRATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL BIOENERGY INITIATIVE 10 FP NMP-ENV- ENERGY-ICT-EeB DEMONSTRATION OF ZERO CARBON BUILDING RENOVATION FOR CITIES AND DISTRICTS 35 AreaTopicType FP7- ENERGY- ACTIVITY ENERGY.2: RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY GENERATION 2.1: PHOTOVOLTAICS ENERGY : Reliable, cost-effective, highly performing PV systemsCP Energy : Demonstration of multifunctional PV modules CP demonstration : WIND ENERGY : Innovative wind conversion systems (10-20MW) for offshore applications CP Energy : Demonstration of innovative designs to reduce fatigue loads and improve reliability of multi-MW turbines CP demonstration : CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER ENERGY : Research, development and testing of solar dish systemsCP ENERGY : Hybridisation of CSP with other energy sourcesCP : OCEANEnergy : Demonstration and deployment of first ocean energy farms CP demonstration : CROSS-CUTTING ISSUESENERGY : Power generation in the low temperature rangeCP AreaTopicType FP7- ENERGY- ACTIVITY ENERGY 3: RENEWABLE FUEL PRODUCTION 3.2: SECOND GENERATION FUEL FROM BIOMASS ENERGY : Biofuels from microalgae or macroalgaeCP ENERGY : Development and testing of advanced sustainable bio- based fuels for air transport CP Energy : Pre-commercial industrial scale demonstration plant on lignocellulosic ethanol CP demonstration : CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES ENERGY : Development of new or improved logistics for lignocellulosic biomass harvesting, storage and transport CP small & medium size
Nationale Kontaktstelle Energie: Calls ENERGY-2012 Call identifierTitleReleasedDeadlineBudgetEvaluation FP7-ENERGY ENERGY CALL PART Two-step FP7-ENERGY ENERGY CALL PART 2XX Single step FP7-ENERGY- SMARTCITIES-2012 Smart Cities And CommunitiesXX Singel step FP7-ERANET RTD ERA-NET PLUS - BIOENERGY DEMONSTRATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL BIOENERGY INITIATIVE 10 FP NMP-ENV- ENERGY-ICT-EeB DEMONSTRATION OF ZERO CARBON BUILDING RENOVATION FOR CITIES AND DISTRICTS 35 AreaTopicType FP7- ENERGY- ACTIVITY ENERGY.2: RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY GENERATION 2.1: PHOTOVOLTAICS ENERGY : Reliable, cost-effective, highly performing PV systemsCP Energy : Demonstration of multifunctional PV modules CP demonstration : WIND ENERGY : Innovative wind conversion systems (10-20MW) for offshore applications CP Energy : Demonstration of innovative designs to reduce fatigue loads and improve reliability of multi-MW turbines CP demonstration : CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER ENERGY : Research, development and testing of solar dish systemsCP ENERGY : Hybridisation of CSP with other energy sourcesCP : OCEANEnergy : Demonstration and deployment of first ocean energy farms CP demonstration : CROSS-CUTTING ISSUESENERGY : Power generation in the low temperature rangeCP AreaTopicType FP7- ENERGY- ACTIVITY ENERGY.3: RENEWABLE FUEL PRODUCTION 3.2: SECOND GENERATION FUEL FROM BIOMASS ENERGY : Biofuels from microalgae or macroalgaeCP ENERGY : Development and testing of advanced sustainable bio- based fuels for air transport CP Energy : Pre-commercial industrial scale demonstration plant on lignocellulosic ethanol CP demonstration : CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES ENERGY : Development of new or improved logistics for lignocellulosic biomass harvesting, storage and transport CP small & medium size AreaTopicType FP7- ENERGY- ACTIVITY ENERGY 4: RENEWABLES FOR HEATING AND COOLING 4.1: LOW/MEDIUM TEMPERATURE SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY ENERGY : Research and development for medium temperature range solar collectors (100°-250°C) CP ACTIVITY ENERGY.5: CO2 CAPTURE AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES FOR ZERO EMISSION POWER GENERATION 5.2: CO2 STORAGE ENERGY : Sizeable pilot tests for CO2 geological storage CP Funding from third parties ENERGY : Impact of the quality of CO2 on transport and storage behaviour CP ACTIVITY ENERGY 5&6: CROSS-CUTTING ACTIONS BETWEEN ACTIVITIES ENERGY.5 AND ENERGY.6 5&6.2: CROSS CUTTING AND REGULATORY ISSUES Energy &6.1-1 Pilot plant-scale demonstration of advanced post- combustion CO2 capture processes with a view to integration in fossil fuel power plants CP demonstration Energy &6.1-2: Pilot plant-scale demonstration and integration of emerging and new combustion technologies CP demonstration ENERGY &6.2.1: Support to the coordination of stakeholders' activities in the field of Zero Emission Energy Production CSA-SA2012-1
Nationale Kontaktstelle Energie: Calls ENERGY-2012 Call identifierTitleReleasedDeadlineBudgetEvaluation FP7-ENERGY ENERGY CALL PART Two-step FP7-ENERGY ENERGY CALL PART 2XX Single step FP7-ENERGY- SMARTCITIES-2012 Smart Cities And CommunitiesXX Singel step FP7-ERANET RTD ERA-NET PLUS - BIOENERGY DEMONSTRATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL BIOENERGY INITIATIVE 10 FP NMP-ENV- ENERGY-ICT-EeB DEMONSTRATION OF ZERO CARBON BUILDING RENOVATION FOR CITIES AND DISTRICTS 35 AreaTopicType FP7- ENERGY- ACTIVITY ENERGY.2: RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY GENERATION 2.1: PHOTOVOLTAICS ENERGY : Reliable, cost-effective, highly performing PV systemsCP Energy : Demonstration of multifunctional PV modules CP demonstration : WIND ENERGY : Innovative wind conversion systems (10-20MW) for offshore applications CP Energy : Demonstration of innovative designs to reduce fatigue loads and improve reliability of multi-MW turbines CP demonstration : CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER ENERGY : Research, development and testing of solar dish systemsCP ENERGY : Hybridisation of CSP with other energy sourcesCP : OCEANEnergy : Demonstration and deployment of first ocean energy farms CP demonstration : CROSS-CUTTING ISSUESENERGY : Power generation in the low temperature rangeCP AreaTopicType FP7- ENERGY- ACTIVITY ENERGY.3: RENEWABLE FUEL PRODUCTION 3.2: SECOND GENERATION FUEL FROM BIOMASS ENERGY : Biofuels from microalgae or macroalgaeCP ENERGY : Development and testing of advanced sustainable bio- based fuels for air transport CP Energy : Pre-commercial industrial scale demonstration plant on lignocellulosic ethanol CP demonstration : CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES ENERGY : Development of new or improved logistics for lignocellulosic biomass harvesting, storage and transport CP small & medium size AreaTopicType FP7- ENERGY- ACTIVITY ENERGY.4: RENEWABLES FOR HEATING AND COOLING 4.1: LOW/MEDIUM TEMPERATURE SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY ENERGY : Research and development for medium temperature range solar collectors (100°-250°C) CP ACTIVITY ENERGY.5: CO2 CAPTURE AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES FOR ZERO EMISSION POWER GENERATION 5.2: CO2 STORAGE ENERGY : Sizeable pilot tests for CO2 geological storage CP Funding from third parties ENERGY : Impact of the quality of CO2 on transport and storage behaviour CP ACTIVITY ENERGY.5&6: CROSS-CUTTING ACTIONS BETWEEN ACTIVITIES ENERGY.5 AND ENERGY.6 5&6.2: CROSS CUTTING AND REGULATORY ISSUES Energy &6.1-1 Pilot plant-scale demonstration of advanced post- combustion CO2 capture processes with a view to integration in fossil fuel power plants CP demonstration Energy &6.1-2: Pilot plant-scale demonstration and integration of emerging and new combustion technologies CP demonstration ENERGY &6.2.1: Support to the coordination of stakeholders' activities in the field of Zero Emission Energy Production CSA-SA AreaTopicType FP7- ENERGY- ACTIVITY ENERGY 7: SMART ENERGY NETWORKS 7.1: DEVELOPMENT OF INTER-ACTIVE DISTRIBUTION ENERGY NETWORKS ENERGY : Integration of variable distributed resources in distribution networks CP ENERGY : Enhancing electricity networks through use of distributed intelligence CP ENERGY : Empowering smart customers to participate in active demand and energy system efficiency CP : PAN-EUROPEAN ENERGY NETWORKS ENERGY : Planning for European Electricity Highways to ensure the reliable delivery of renewable electricity and market integration CP2012-x 7.3: CROSS CUTTING ISSUES AND TECHNOLOGIES ENERGY : Networking of national R&D and demonstration projects on smart metering infrastructure and data processing CSA-CA ENERGY : Facilitating the deployment of safe stationary batteriesCP ENERGY : Support to the coordination of stakeholders activities in the field of Smart Grids CSA-SA2012-1
Nationale Kontaktstelle Energie: Calls ENERGY-2012 Call identifierTitleReleasedDeadlineBudgetEvaluation FP7-ENERGY ENERGY CALL PART Two-step FP7-ENERGY ENERGY CALL PART 2XX Single step FP7-ENERGY- SMARTCITIES-2012 Smart Cities And CommunitiesXX Singel step FP7-ERANET RTD ERA-NET PLUS - BIOENERGY DEMONSTRATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL BIOENERGY INITIATIVE 10 FP NMP-ENV- ENERGY-ICT-EeB DEMONSTRATION OF ZERO CARBON BUILDING RENOVATION FOR CITIES AND DISTRICTS 35 AreaTopicType FP7- ENERGY- ACTIVITY ENERGY.2: RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY GENERATION 2.1: PHOTOVOLTAICS ENERGY : Reliable, cost-effective, highly performing PV systemsCP Energy : Demonstration of multifunctional PV modules CP demonstration : WIND ENERGY : Innovative wind conversion systems (10-20MW) for offshore applications CP Energy : Demonstration of innovative designs to reduce fatigue loads and improve reliability of multi-MW turbines CP demonstration : CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER ENERGY : Research, development and testing of solar dish systemsCP ENERGY : Hybridisation of CSP with other energy sourcesCP : OCEANEnergy : Demonstration and deployment of first ocean energy farms CP demonstration : CROSS-CUTTING ISSUESENERGY : Power generation in the low temperature rangeCP AreaTopicType FP7- ENERGY- ACTIVITY ENERGY.3: RENEWABLE FUEL PRODUCTION 3.2: SECOND GENERATION FUEL FROM BIOMASS ENERGY : Biofuels from microalgae or macroalgaeCP ENERGY : Development and testing of advanced sustainable bio- based fuels for air transport CP Energy : Pre-commercial industrial scale demonstration plant on lignocellulosic ethanol CP demonstration : CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES ENERGY : Development of new or improved logistics for lignocellulosic biomass harvesting, storage and transport CP small & medium size AreaTopicType FP7- ENERGY- ACTIVITY ENERGY.4: RENEWABLES FOR HEATING AND COOLING 4.1: LOW/MEDIUM TEMPERATURE SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY ENERGY : Research and development for medium temperature range solar collectors (100°-250°C) CP ACTIVITY ENERGY.5: CO2 CAPTURE AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES FOR ZERO EMISSION POWER GENERATION 5.2: CO2 STORAGE ENERGY : Sizeable pilot tests for CO2 geological storage CP Funding from third parties ENERGY : Impact of the quality of CO2 on transport and storage behaviour CP ACTIVITY ENERGY.5&6: CROSS-CUTTING ACTIONS BETWEEN ACTIVITIES ENERGY.5 AND ENERGY.6 5&6.2: CROSS CUTTING AND REGULATORY ISSUES Energy &6.1-1 Pilot plant-scale demonstration of advanced post- combustion CO2 capture processes with a view to integration in fossil fuel power plants CP demonstration Energy &6.1-2: Pilot plant-scale demonstration and integration of emerging and new combustion technologies CP demonstration ENERGY &6.2.1: Support to the coordination of stakeholders' activities in the field of Zero Emission Energy Production CSA-SA AreaTopicType FP7- ENERGY- ACTIVITY ENERGY.7: SMART ENERGY NETWORKS 7.1: DEVELOPMENT OF INTER-ACTIVE DISTRIBUTION ENERGY NETWORKS ENERGY : Integration of variable distributed resources in distribution networks CP ENERGY : Enhancing electricity networks through use of distributed intelligence CP ENERGY : Empowering smart customers to participate in active demand and energy system efficiency CP : PAN-EUROPEAN ENERGY NETWORKS ENERGY : Planning for European Electricity Highways to ensure the reliable delivery of renewable electricity and market integration CP2012-x 7.3: CROSS CUTTING ISSUES AND TECHNOLOGIES ENERGY : Networking of national R&D and demonstration projects on smart metering infrastructure and data processing CSA-CA ENERGY : Facilitating the deployment of safe stationary batteriesCP ENERGY : Support to the coordination of stakeholders activities in the field of Smart Grids CSA-SA AreaTopicType FP7- ENERGY- ACTIVITY ENERGY 8: ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND SAVINGS 8.1: EFFICIENT ENERGY USE IN THE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY AND BUILDING SECTOR ENERGY : Next generation heat pump technologiesCP : SMART CITIES AND COMMUNITIES Energy : Strategic sustainable planning and screening of city plans – Smart Cities and Communities Incubator CSA-CA SMARTCIT IES-2012 Energy : Large scale systems for urban area heating and/or cooling supply CP demonstration SMARTCIT IES-2012 Energy : Demonstration of Zero Carbon Building Renovation for cities and districts CP demonstration FP ENV-ICT- ENERGY- NMP-EeB ACTIVITY ENERGY.10: HORIZONTAL PROGRAMME ACTIONS 10.1: ERA-NET PLUS ON BIOENERGY Energy : ERA-NET Plus - Bioenergy Demonstrations of the European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative CSA coordinating research activities FP7- ERANET RTD 10.2: FUTURE EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES ENERGY : Future Emerging TechnologiesCP2012-1
› Factories of the Future — FoF FP7 - Budget: 645 M€ FP7-Theme: NMP, ICT › Energy Effcient Buildings — E2B FP7 - Budget: 505 M€ FP7-Theme: NMP, ICT, Energy, Environment › Green Cars — GC FP7 - Budget: 503 M€ FP7-Theme: SST, ICT, NMP, Environment, Energy › FCH JTI – Art188, administered by FCH JU PPPs in 7th Framework Programme
Partner search engines › Partner Search CORDIS › › Managenergy › › Ideal-IST › › ICT-PSP › ex.cfm › IGLO › › SMEs › ›
Strukturr and Budget of FCH JU Public share: 450 Mill. € Private share: in-kind Should match each other Governing Board: IG, RG, COM Kommission 5 Sitze; Forschungsgruppe 1 Sitz Nationale Kontaktstelle Energie:
16 Preliminary Structure of the MAIP
Budget and cost sharing of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen JU › For 2008 – 2013: € 940 M (minimum) › EC budget : € 470 M (in cash) › Industry : € 450 M (minimum in kind), € 20 M (in cash) › Close follow-up to monitor and ensure the 50/50 cost sharing between the Community and industry
Financing Direct Costs Indirect costs: 20% of direct costs Nationale Kontaktstelle Energie: Type of Organisation Type of Activity CP= coordinated projects; CSA= coordination / support action RTDDemonstrationOther Industry (other than SME) CP: < 50% CSA:< 100% CP: < 50% CSA: < 100% CP: < 100% CSA: < 100% SME CP: < 75% CSA:< 100% Non-profit (public, research, …)
Der Projektträger Jülich. Partner für Forschungsmanagement CALL FCH JU › published 3. Mai 2011 › Deadline 18. August 2011 › Budget 109 Millionen EUR › 36 Topics › Info:
European Network of Energy-NCPs › 3 years EU-Project C-ENERGY+ › › Contacts › Brokerage Events › Partner Search (no dedicated engine) › Russian partner Elena Chistyakova,
Piotr Świątek NCP Energy Project Management Jülich Research Centre Jülich D Jülich office mobile/cell