Speaker: Chia-Wen Lu (Sally) Adviser: Dr. Quincy Wu Date:02/23/2012 Kokkuk Workshop The Study of 6LoWPAN with SCTP Multi-homing in Smart Grid Speaker: Chia-Wen Lu (Sally) Adviser: Dr. Quincy Wu Date:02/23/2012
Intelligent Family Home Introduction Smart Grid Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Coordinator ZigBee WSN Utility System Server ZigBee WSN Internet ZigBee WSN Coordinator Smart Meter Intelligent Family Home
Introduction(Cont.) Campus Technology Building Computer Center 6LoWPAN Mesh Network Smart Meter Coordinator Ethernet Server Technology Building Computer Center
SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) SCTP is new reliable and message-oriented transport layer protocol Two powerful functions make SCTP a highly efficient and reliable transmission mechanism Multi-homing Multi-streaming
SCTP (Cont.) Multi-homing Multiple network connection paths Redundancy mechanism data master Internet P1 P1 P2 P2 backup data sender receiver
6LoWPAN IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks(6LoWPAN) Based on IEEE 802.15.4 Characteristics: low data rate, low power consumption, short distance transmission Network layer – IPv6 Can speak with TCP/IP without translation
wireshark-SCTP packet
Conclusion and Future work In SCTP multi-homing mechanism, when a master path fails then it will switch to a back up path to continue transmitting data. Master path always in active status but back up path is idle. Design a path conversion algorithm which provides load balance mechanism and automatic path switching which depending on performance of data transmission. Full use of existing resources.
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Experimental platform DMA-2440XP embedded Linux Linux OS kernel 2.6.24 and file system LKSCTP(Linux Kernel Stream Control Transmission Protocol)
Experimental platform (Cont.) AVR RZUSBSTICK module AT86RF230-802.15.4-2.4GHz USB module Contiki open OS