Europe ’ s Latitude v. US
Average Annual Precipitation
Europe ’ s Natural Regions
The North European Plain
The Northern European Plain --> An Invasion Route into Asia (& Vice Versa?)
Steppes: “ Soviet ” Breadbasket
The Steppes 25% of the old Soviet Union ’ s food supply.
Major Regional Divisions of the Former U. S. S. R. Chernozen Soil
Germany ’ s Black Forest
Tundra: The Not-So-Barren Land Below the Arctic Circle
LandLandUseUseLandLandUseUse LandLandUseUseLandLandUseUse
Agricultural Activity
Major Industrial Resources
Oil Export Routes in the Caucasus Area
Major Environmental Disasters & Pollution Problems
Chemical Fertilizer drains into bodies of water causing algae and plants to grow faster than the fish can eat. This causes a chain reaction eventually killing the fish. Air pollution is another problem. Industrialization of countries causes many different kinds of pollution problems. This can cause respiratory problems. Countries are working on cleaning up the air by passing laws to protect the air.
Acid Rain
World Population by Continents Asia3,737,000,000 Africa823,000,000 Europe729,000,000 North America 486,000,000 South America 351,000,000 Oceania (incl. Australia) Oceania (incl. Australia) 31,000,000 Antarctica no permanent population
Population Density [People Per Square Mile] Belgium336.82Mexico52.15 Japan United States India336.62World14.42 United Kingdom Norway14.42 Italy192.96Canada 3.36 France108.09Russia 8.61
Population Distribution
Population Growth
Members of the Indo-European Language Family
Major Religious Groups in Europe
The European Union
After WWII many nations began to unify. In 1957 the European Economic Community was formed. The EEC removed trade barriers and set economic goals. In just 10 years trade increased 4x ’ s
The Euro is an universal currency replacing Europe's national currencies. Some countries feel they would loose control of the interest rates, while others feel like they would loose their national identities. Other negative effects could be loosing benefits of exchange rates and loss of jobs.
Central Europeans suspicious of Germany Opposition of former communist countries joining. Disagreement about who should join the EU Germany could buy Central Europe's land Concerns of integrating countries into the EU