PGCHET: an overview Linda Carey, CED Higher Education Academy (HEA) accredited course on learning and teaching in higher education (postgraduate level) Recognised by other UK universities Run by the School of Education and Centre for Educational Development since 1997
Two modules: taught in 4½ day blocks in early September and early January An additional half day each semester Attendance at an educational technology course 60 M Level credits in total
Participants: 70 max. in two cohorts New academic staff and some research staff (approx 6-10 each year) Must be teaching to undertake course Compulsory for new academic staff (normally) and thus they have priority Included in probation & promotions criteria Fees (normally) paid by University through STDU exemption of fees process
Course content and structure Curriculum designed around HEA areas of: Design and planning of learning activities Teaching and supporting learning Effective learning environments and student support Assessment & giving feedback to students Integration of scholarship and research with teaching Evaluation of practice and CPD
Four assignments based on participants’ own teaching 3,000 – 4,000 words each Linking theory & practice and reflection Peer observation of teaching Tutors: John Milliken (Education) Linda Carey (CED) and Anne Jones (CED)
Application forms will be sent out in April 2010 for September 2010 start To express an interest, me at