Institutional practices for building world class universities James Kennedy Director International Office
International Excellence Undisputed world leader in research and scholarship Top 50 by 50 th anniversary
Challenges: national and financia l Government support Browne review Comprehensive spending review Student contributions
International competition Best students Best academic staff International funding Not a zero-sum game
A cosmopolitan campus Demand from international students growing Cap on UK and EU numbers A greater proportion of our students from outside the UK Increase international diversity through a global widening participation programme The most gifted and talented students from around the world
Internationally leading areas of research excellence Absolute commitment to quality Defined areas of excellence Extensive inter-disciplinary working, and possibly fewer disciplines Increased funding from European and other international sources Research engaged in solving global problems Global issues will also enter the curriculum Student activism will refresh enthusiasm
Extensive research and teaching with international partners Jointly delivered global master’s degrees (including Erasmus Mundus) Collaborative PhDs Majority of research projects will include international partners Partners will not be restricted to the current designated core partners Selected on the basis of shared ambition State-of-the-art communication technologies
Worldwide alumni community Alumni journey begins with first enquiry Local groups will be established around the world The University will develop a new offer for alumni, based around the Lifetime Global Academy Digital technology will support this connectedness in distinctive and innovative ways
All students will be considered international students UK students will expect an international experience Mobility and virtual international contact All UK students will be encouraged to study languages Inter-cultural competence one of the core graduate skills for all students Support through Warwick Global Advantage Further student-led development of One World Week
“By 2015, Warwick will be in the top 50 world Universities, as measured by the quality of research output and the strength of student demand.” Strategy 2007
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