Cube with veto appears in ADEI! Some simple plots with veto! What we can get from Cube data? Recovering of Gamma ray and electron fluxes; Solving system of linear equations; Efficiences to detect gamma rays and electrons; Energy dependence of efficiencies; Overal count rates with and without veto!
Cube and Cube 3 cm detectors
N7/N8 ~ 1.2; N7_v/N8_v ~ 1.1 N7/N7_v ~ 2.55; N8/N8_v ~ 2.47
Number of TGE particles detected by Cube where p(20 cm/e) and p(20 cm/g) are the conditional proba- bilities to register electron or gamma ray by 20 cm scintillator. Accordingly pv(20 cm/e) and pv(20 cm/g) are the conditional probabilities to register electron or gamma ray by Cube 20 cm scintillator with veto switched on. Recovering of the energy spectra of electrons and gamma rays coming from the thunderclouds Ashot Chilingarian, Bagrat Mailyan, Levon Vanyan Atmospheric Research 114–115 (2012) 1–16
Solving system of linear equations By calibration, confirmed with detector response simulations, we estimate these condi- tional probabilities as follows: at 18:23, October 4, 2010 was N(20 cm) = 43,439 with veto and Nv(20 cm) = 44,956 without veto, the difference is N ! Nv = Solving the system of Eq. (1) with coefficients (2) we readily get: Ne=1560 and Ng=215,000. Thus, on October 4, most of TGE particles were gamma rays, the fraction of electrons was less than 1%. From additional 1560 particles detected by 20 cm thick Cube scintillators only 31 can be electrons, i.e. less than 2%.
Energy Spectra of gamma rays