Becoming fit just became a whole lot more fun. Introducing a group fitness class designed just for older adults.
An evidence-based fitness program specifically designed for older adults (60+ years of age). – Significant improvement in physical functioning, socialization, and decreased depression and pain Originally developed to help participants with arthritis transition from a class exercise program to a home-based exercise program. Taught by certified EnhanceFitness instructors, who are also certified group fitness instructors.
1-hour classes, held 3 times a week, on-going schedule Participants can join at any time!
Strength Training. – Participants train with light weights – a key element to the fitness program. Flexibility and Balance. – Participants will increase their range of movement to help prevent falls. Cardio/Aerobic. – Participants will experience improvements in walking and breathing.
Nationally: Can be found at over 450 sites around the country, with more established sites at senior centers, hospitals, assisted living facilities, and continuing-care retirement communities. Indiana: 27 active-sites established
EnhanceFitness is supported through a 3-year grant from the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) – Lead Agency: Indiana State Department of Health - Diabetes Prevention and Control Program – 3-Year Grant Period: July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2011 Prior grant funding from the past Indiana Arthritis Program, (only 2 AAA’s participated)
Instructors: 39 instructors in 12 AAA’s throughout Indiana Sites: 27 active sites; goal of 30 active sites before end of Year-3 (June 2011) Total Participant Number: 436
Data gathered from participant information, health history forms, and quarterly fitness checks Gender Distribution: – 89% Female – 11% Male
Age Range: – years of age Average Age: – 75 years of age – Although the program is designed for older adults, all age groups can participate. Average Number of Chronic Conditions * : – 1.74 *Arthritis, Rheumatic Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Lung Disease, or Other
Chronic Disease Prevalence:
IndianaNational Baseline Average Follow-up Average Result Baseline Average Follow-up Average Result Up & Go * (Seconds) Improved8.68.2Improved Chair Stands (# of Stands) Improved Improved Arm Curls (# of Curls) No Significant Change Improved *The time in seconds a participant can get up from a chair (unassisted), walk 8 feet, return, and sit
IndianaNational Baseline Average Follow-up Average Result Baseline Average Follow-up Average Result Up & Go * (Seconds) Improved8.68.2Improved Chair Stands (# of Stands) Improved Improved Arm Curls (# of Curls) No Significant Change Improved *Up & Go: The time in seconds a participant can get up from a chair (unassisted), walk 8 feet, return, and sit
IndianaNational Baseline Average Follow-up Average Result Baseline Average Follow-up Average Result Up & Go * (Seconds) Improved8.68.2Improved Chair Stands (# of Stands) Improved Improved Arm Curls (# of Curls) No Significant Change Improved *Up & Go: The time in seconds a participant can get up from a chair (unassisted), walk 8 feet, return, and sit
Need state-wide and community partners to help sustain the program past Year 3 (June 2011). – Help pay for site licensure fees ($50 a year/per site) – Help pay for personnel costs – Provide free meeting space – Help with participant recruitment and referrals
A Whole Lot of Fun! A Whole Lot of Variety! With Proven Outcomes!
Senior Services in Seattle, Washington – Website: Indiana State Department of Health, Diabetes Prevention & Control Program – Website: Local Indiana Area Agencies on Aging