Ghost Towns of the American West Day 2
What adventures helped drive westward expansion? Concept Talk What adventures helped drive westward expansion?
Partner share Why is establishing a claim an important legal procedure? Discuss times when you have seen athletes or other professionals display exuberance? What do the miners who moved out West have in common with immigrants?
Let’s get our books 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-27
Amazing Words Trailblaze- building and settling towns The settlers had to trailblaze their way. panning- washing gravel or sand in a pan to separate out gold People are still panning for gold in the west.
Vocabulary Economic- relating to income, goods, and services The men argued over the economic conditions of the nation. Independence- freedom from control Our fore fathers fought for independence from Britain. Teach your partner these words.
Vocabulary Overrun- spread over Her milk had overrun all over the countertop. Scrawled- wrote carelessly He scrawled on the wall with the crayon. Teach your partner these words.
Vocabulary Vacant- unoccupied The apartment was vacant so they decided to rent it. Teach your partner this word.
Morphemes With a partner, cut out the word parts and see how many words you can create. Write the words on a piece of paper. Be prepared to share your answers.
Adverbs Lolly, lolly get your adverbs here The Seattle train left earlier than the Erie train. The Chicago train left earliest of all. These are comparative and superlative adverbs. Which one is comparative? Which one is superlative?
Greek Parts Graphic Autograph What is the greek part in these words? Photocopy Telephoto
Comprehension Ghost towns are most often thought of as mining camps and other settlements of the Western frontier. Is this statement a generalization? How do you know? Clue words that signal generalizations: Most, few, seldom, all, every
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Ghost Towns visit a ghost town