Welcome to the Data Warehouse November 10, 2015
Nassau BOCES Contacts – Phil DeGrazia: – John Cahill: – Vivian Tripi: – Audre Midura: – Margarita Pieri: – Patricia Reinhardt:
AGENDA I.Part I – What is the Data Warehouse? RIC Overview Data Flow Level 0 Tools to verify your data II.Part II NYSSIS L2RPT Future Reporting III.Part III - Role of the CIO / DDC Accountability Overview Role of the DDC What’s Coming Up? 3
RIC Overview The RIC is the Regional Information Center The RIC is the “Data Center” and the means by which you report data to NYSED. Statewide there are: – 12 Regional Information Centers (RICS) – 5 Big City School Districts (The Big 5) Your RIC is the Nassau Regional Information Center (NASRIC) The RIC Director is Dr. Valerie D’Aguanno – RIC Directors meet on a monthly basis to coordinate statewide initiatives
RIC Overview The NASRIC supports the following: 56 Public school districts 3 Charter Schools RVC Diocese of Nassau / Suffolk Brooklyn Queens Diocese Lutheran Schools Assoc. Independent Public schools
NYS RIC Data & Security website NYS Regional Information Centers Data Security and Privacy Provides an introduction on data security and privacy issues, challenges and concerns. intro/ intro/ 6
7 FERPA: Protecting Privacy in Data Collection and Reporting Individuals who work with education records in agencies or schools are responsible for knowing the privacy regulations that apply to their work. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment are the two major laws governing the protection of education records and student and family privacy. The other key laws with specific federal regulatory requirements pertaining to schools are the National School Lunch Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
8 FERPA: Protecting Privacy in Data Collection and Reporting In developing procedures and processes for collecting and reporting data, it is necessary to incorporate safeguards to protect the privacy of the individuals to whom the data pertains. Of special concern are data related to an individual student's economic status (the poverty indicator) or eligibility for free- or reduced-price lunch. This information must not be shared in combination with any other information about a student and must be made available only to the person responsible for verifying the accuracy of the data.
What is the Data Warehouse? 9
What is SIRS? SIRS stands for the “Student Information Repository System”. It is also commonly referred to as “The Data Warehouse”. It provides a single source of student records for analysis at the local, regional and State levels 1.To meet State and Federal reporting and accountability requirements 2.To improve student performance 10
HOW DOES THE DATA FLOW? Presented by Phil DeGrazia
HR / Financial System Staff Snap Shot Staff Evaluation Rating Student Information System Student Demographics Student Enrollment Program Services Course Staff Snap Shot Staff Student Course Student Grade Detail Assessment Fact Accommodation Level 0 Validation Checks and Error Message Level 1 BOCES Central Database Level 2 (SED) State Database NYSTART (NYS Testing and Accountability Reporting Tool) Special Ed. System Snap Shot S.E. Events Scoring Vendor NYSSIS (NYS Student Identification System) Generates and assigns unique statewide student IDs. Test Scoring 3-8 Assessment NYSESLAT NYSAA IDW L2RPT L2RPT reports are designed to help verify a variety of data in support of accountability and other requirements. Teacher Roaster Reports Data Moves Once a week Assessment Scan sheets Pin # to create account 12
13 LEVEL 0
Welcome screen 14
Data types 15
L0 Express 16
Data Overload 18
19 DATA VERIFICATION Data verification is one of the most important steps. Data verification is not done just one time a year. It is a year long process. One or 2 students coded incorrectly may negatively affect your AYP.
20 DATA VERIFICATION All of this is the reason why you must check and re-check your data. Load up to SIRS, review it, re-submit data as necessary and re-verify the data. Don’t forget to make changes in your SMS, then re-load into Level 0. The accuracy of the data is a paramount task. Teacher Evaluation Data = High Stakes
TOOLS TO VERIFY DATA What tools do I have to check and verify all this data? 21 SMS/Sp Ed Reports Certify Level 0 Reports L2RPT Report Guides IDW End of Year Checklist
What is the IDW (Instructional Data Warehouse)? The IDW is a repository for student data elements collected from disparate sources and organized for optimal analysis and reporting. The IDW is hosted by Nassau BOCES. org 23
IDW 24
IDW 25
26 PD DATA SYSTEM The PD Data System is a web application which verifies and certifies the special education data for your district. District data flows into the PD System from the Level 2 Warehouse In many cases, the CIO / DDC does not certify the data in this system. There is only 1 contact person allowed to certify that the data in this system are correct. In many districts, this person is the director of special education. The DDA needs to work collaboratively with the director to ensure that data in this system are correct.
27 PD DATA SYSTEM Demographics, Enrollment, and Program Services (Disability Code) comes from your Student Management System. Other special education information does NOT come from your SMS. It is exported directly from the special ed management system and gets imported directly into Level 0. Given the multiple source systems, it is common to have Level 0 errors. This can be a time consuming process and communication between staff and departments are vital.
PD System 28
PD System 29
PD System 30
PD System: Excluded Students List 31
Systems for Collecting & Reporting Data 33
Vendor Support 34
Technical Infomation 35
WHAT IS NYSSIS? Presented by Vivian Tripi
NYSSIS - Go to NYSSIS website to resolve students in the NYSSIS queue. - Use SEDDAS credentials to login - Students in the NYSSIS queue have not been assigned a NYSSIS id. - Without a NYSSIS id student data will not go to the state. - You can reset your password by clicking “Reset Password” at the top right of the screen. Please keep this account active by logging in at least every 60 days even during the summer. A current correct address must be on file with NYSSIS, as this is how notifications are sent out. 37
NYSSIS – Reset Password 40
46 TOOLS TO VERIFY DATA: L2RPT Presented by: Vivian Tripi
What is L2RPT? Level 2 Reports are extracted from Level 2 (State Level) and provided to the Regional Information Centers (RICs) by the New York State Department of Education (NYSED). The purpose of these reports is to allow districts easier access to their student level data and to assist them with the verification of data. 47
L2RPT Menu 48
Accountability Reports 49 Accountability Verification Reports (AVRs) show how students performed on NYS Assessments and the graduation rate.
High School Accountability Data Verification Report 50
Navigating in L2RPT Directory Flow to a report : Back Arrow within a report to return to Directory flow : Within a report, especially student detail, use these : – Or you can view the report as a PDF for easy whole report navigation and searching: Drill through to details by double clicking on underlined number. 51
Annual Outcomes 52 Annual Outcome Reports are used to verify graduates, dropouts and regent assessment results.
BEDS Day Enrollment Reports 53 Student BEDS Day Enrollment Reports are counts as of BEDS Day which is the first Wednesday of October. These counts are posted on the NYS Report Card and sent to the Office of State Aid for district calculations.
Reasonableness Report 54
Report Guides for L2RPT Report guides – See the link at the bottom of the list of L2RPT Level 2 Reports: L2RPT Report Guides (This link to SED opens in this window)L2RPT Report Guides (This link to SED opens in this window) – At the base of each report: Report Documentation link.Report Documentation – Or go directly to:
Upcoming Additions… Presented By Audre Midura
Computer Based Testing NYSED Goal to transition to all computer based testing by 2020 Student and staff files being provided to assessment vendors by SED. – Data must be accurate and clean at earlier time periods then in the past. – District personnel to work with assessment vendors to act as data stewards, enter data changes, check data, retrieve scores, run reports, etc.)
Staff Attendance Staff Attendance being collected and must be verified in TAA not being used going forward in all staff data coming from SIRS. Therefore CIO must work with HR staff and systems to ensure that data is correct..
Tracking Student Chronic Absenteeism Student attendance reports will include chronic absentee category. Schools must verify student attendance on regular basis. CIO must run student attendance reports and have them verified.
BOCES State Reporting Webpage 61
Supporting material 62
Presentations 63
Prior Meetings 64
Documentation of the Meeting 65
Quick links 66
Calendar 67
Why do we have to collect and verify all this data in the first place?
Intro to SIRS Systems SIRS utilizes Several Data “Systems” There are Systems for 1.For Data Collection and Data Submission 2.For Data Reporting and Data Verification
Systems Used for Data Collection and Data Submission 1.District SMS Systems Human Resources, Special Ed (IEP D), Food Services Management 2.Level 0 3.NYSED Portal IRS Portal NYSSIS Level 0 Historical
Systems Used for Data Reporting and Data Verification Level 2 Reports (L2RPT) PD (Pupils with Disabilities) System IDW (Instructional Data Warehouse) NYSED Portal
72 Who am I responsible for reporting? Responsibility for the education of students falls into three categories: 1. Instructional responsibility 2. Accountability for performance 3. CSE/CPSE responsibility for determining eligibility for special education and providing appropriate special-education services. For the vast majority of students — those who attend a public school in the district in which their parent or guardian resides — all three responsibilities reside with the district of residence 72
73 Who am I responsible for reporting? 1.Educational /Accountability responsibility (0011) Lives in and is enrolled in the district Districts pays tuition for a student to attend another school district or BOCES 2.CSE Responsibility Only (5905) Non resident receiving special ed services in a non public located within your district. You do not have Educational Accountability responsibility 3.Instructional responsibility (0055) Non resident who enrolls in your district and is reported for instruction only (OOD) You do not have Educational Accountability responsibility You DO have to report them for APPR purposes
74 Who am I responsible for reporting? Educational /Accountability responsibility (0011) Lives in and is enrolled in the district CSE Responsibility Only (5905) Non resident receiving special ed services in a non public located within your district. Instructional responsibility (0055) Non resident who enrolls in your district and is reported for instruction only. ** Table of Reporting Responsibility SIRS Codes and Descriptions 74
***SIRS Manual*** Guidance on the Student Information Repository System can be found at: This Site contains: – Reporting Requirements – Policy Information – Definitions – Codes and Descriptions – Timelines Collection Requirements for
The Road to AYP 76 Adequate Yearly Progress
77 New York State Report Card Provides information to the public on school/district enrollment and staff, student performance, and other measures of school and district performance.
78 Adequate Yearly Progress Districts and schools must meet both the participation and performance criteria to make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). There are separate rules for Grades 3-8 and for High School 78
80 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Participation: – In ELA and mathematics, 95% of students in each accountability group with 40 or more members must be tested. – In science, 80% must be tested. Performance: In ELA and mathematics, a calculated measure of performance called the “Performance Index” (PI) for each accountability group with 30 or more members must equal or exceed a preset objective called an “Effective Annual Measurable Objective” (EAMO) or a safety net objective called a “Safe Harbor Target.” 80
81 AYP Grades 3-8 Elementary / Middle Level Subjects: 1.ELA 2.Math 3.Science 81
82 AYP Secondary -High School Subjects: 1.ELA 2.Math 3.Graduation Rate Is determined on a Cohort basis. Cohorts are determined by the year in which the student enters 9 th grade. Each accountability subgroup of 30 or more students must make 80% graduation rate 82
The SIRS Process 84 Purpose Primary purpose is for reporting and accounting purposes (NCLB, ESEA) Consequence 1.All student testing information comes from records submitted through the DW 2.District accountability is determined based on DW information
85 ROLE OF THE CIO Presented by Margarita Pieri 85
Role of the DDC Assemble and lead a team of district personnel that will include representation from all areas submitting state mandated data Responsible for the accurate reporting of individual student and other data Maintain and transmit the State’s required data elements Serve as the district contact person for all issues related to the Data Warehouse 87 87
Role of the DDC Define and document data collection processes and standards. Develop a data verification processes to ensure that data are accurate when transferred to SIRS. Coordinate and facilitate district data team meetings Train key school and district personnel to view student records in and obtain reports from SIRS 88 88
Role of the CIO / DDC Act as the liaison between the district and Nassau BOCES data coordinators Securing the certification of the data by the school superintendent Attending informational sessions provided by Nassau BOCES. 89
What’s the Big Deal? Determines accountability status and AYP. The data is used in developing the NYS Report Card. Data is given to the media and made public. District funding is allocated by the data counts. It is now high stakes. We are linking student performance data with teachers and principals. Data is used for “research purposes” and other State needs for individual data. Where will our data end up? InBloom, EDP Data Dashboards. 90
92 NOVEMBER / December Begin submitting demographic, enrollment and program services data. BEDS District Enrollment reports released in L2RPT. UPK Reporting due Staff Evaluation Rating August Regents scores – November 19 August Grads – November 19 92
Things To Remember Remember the road your data has taken Scrutinize your data – don’t just sign off Know when the rules of the game have changed (Accountability, Waivers) Be confident that you are working with clean and accurate data 93
ON LINE RESOURCES NASSAU BOCES State Reporting /Data Warehouse web page NYSED Information and Reporting Services NYSED Google Calendar:
SED RESOURCES for TSDL Ken Wagner memos: tation/Teacher-CourseDataCollection-final pdf -and-RosterVerification-final pdf – Create Teacher Roster Accounts – Verify Rosters – FAQ – Training Videos 97 97
98 Comprehensive Course Catalog NCES: Prior to Secondary Course Codes ESEA Waiver Course Catalog
Office of ACCOUNTABILITY ityWaiver.html ityWaiver.html s.html s.html ml ml99 99
Special Education SEDCAR PD Data System: Data Submission Schedule: dule dule
Additional Resources SEDREF: qry_vw$.startup qry_vw$.startup SEDDAS:
102 Nassau BOCES Website Shortcuts