5-6 minutes – beginning of class Grammar Skills & Vocabulary Building Collected every Friday Unexcused Tardy – no make up Absent/Excused Tardy -- write that day’s date -- A (absent) or ET (excused tardy) Copy another student’s warm ups = no credit
Warm Up # 1 Vocabulary List #1 Sentence Completion 8/28/12 1.Many great British poets are quoted so often that their words now seem _________. 2.When poets use the ideas and styles of previous writers, their intention is not to ________ but to build on and reinterpret the past. Occasionally, however, a poet has been accused of stealing.
*name island Great Britain 1.CELTS *religion – Animism (Latin for spirit) *spirits everywhere; control all *Stonehenge – Druids (priests) *mythology *fierce women; enchanting & bright *influence later Irish & English writers (Sir Thomas Malory & William Butler Yeats) *language -- Gaelic
Stability 2.ROMANS -- stop invaders for several hundred years -- departure = chaos & Anglo- Saxons conquer Architecture -- defensive wall (Hadrian’s wall) -- built network of roads Government -- organized centralized govt. Religion -- introduce Christianity Language -- Latin
3.ANGLO-SAXONS *Germanic origins *Beowulf sounds more German than English *language evolution *German + Gaelic + Latin = Old English *religion – Warrior Religion 4.VIKINGS & NORMANS *ended Anglo-Saxon domination *1066 Battle of Hastings – William the Conqueror *Duke of Normandy (French) *Viking descent
Warm Up #2 Vocabulary List #1 Sentence Completion 8/29 1.Some poems are so joyful that they are almost ecstatic; others are so sad that they could be considered ________________. 2.No one would accuse Sir Francis Bacon of being _______. He was a smooth talker, but his statements and his writing had substance.
1.Tribal Government (initially) *influenced by harsh climate; centered on survival *strong leader w/council of wise elders *rule by consensus 2. Occupations – Social Hierarchy *Warriors – highest social standing; tribe’s safety *Craftsman – weaponry & jewelry *Farmers – unskilled laborers
3.Religion – Christianity & paganism coexist *Christianity -- monasteries *shelter & safety *paganism – dark & hopeless *no control own destiny (predestination) *no afterlife *morality code – 4 Warrior Virtues *learning – preserve Greek & Latin literature braverygenerosity loyaltyfriendship
4.Literature *male dominated *reflect their values *oral not written -- scops/bards (storytellers) * = to warriors *offer immortality & teach history *extol (praise) warrior virtues
KING ALFRED OF WESSEX – ALFRED THE GREAT 1.united England *Christianity *stop Danes 2.Anglo-Saxon Chronicle *history of England – early days to 1154 *still referenced today 3.English Language *predominantly spoken *now written – Anglo-Saxon Chronicle -- language not respected until it’s written
ANGLO-SAXON WOMEN 1.not expected 2B subservient 2. had rights *could inherit & hold property *dowry (morgengifu) – substantial gift of $ and/or land – groom gives to bride