School Direct University of Huddersfield
Jayne Price, Head of Initial Teacher Education, University of Huddersfield Liz Zsargo, Lecturer in Primary Education and School Direct Lead, University of Huddersfield Sophie Nelson, School Direct Programme Leader, St Chad’s Alliance, Oldham
Introductions 2014/15 Four School Direct Alliances Around 30 primary, 5 secondary 2 different models Some SD on PGCE, some on PgCert 2015/16 Three School Direct Alliances Around 45 primary, 13 secondary 3 different models All SD trainees on PGCE University St Chad’s 2014/15 9 Primary Trainees all on PGCert route 2015/16 9 Primary trainees All on PGCE route 2016/17 20 Primary trainees All on PGCE route 2016/17 5 School Direct Alliances Around 90 primary, 100 secondary 5 different models All SD trainees on PGCE
School Direct – how do you see it? Draw a picture
Challenges and opportunities Challenges Level of complexity Financial viability Quality control/ lack of control Coherence Cultural change Accountability challenge Different expectations Lack of clarity Arm’s length QA Aligning primary & secondary Opportunities Going deeper with partnerships New partnerships Cross fertilisation Powerful practice-based learning for trainees Sharing responsibilities Working together
Our vision What’s your vision? How can we work with you to achieve that?
Quality Partnership Vision statements devised by SD committee – (Heads of Alliances, others from Alliance partnerships, trainees, University leads) Quality partnership –Flexible and meets the needs of the group – jointly owned –Inclusive and collaborative –Well-maintained relationships –Good communication between all (Alliance/Schools/Uni/ trainees) –Knowledge-sharing and supportive –Systematic (good systems in place) –Impact-driven
SD as part of School Improvement (SD committee) Chance to select and develop your own teachers Part of a continuum leading into NQT, RQT and future leadership Chance to talent spot people in school community and develop them into teachers Develops strong relationships with partner schools in a shared purpose Develops all staff in school - gives ownership And thus contributes to improved pupil progress
A TSA perspective Sophie Nelson, St Chad’s TSA
How do you establish a vision which is both shared and - at the same time – school-led and bespoke in each different Alliance?
Our approach “This is how we usually do it” Discussion, negotiation, working together and agreeing, to achieve quality outcomes, is at the heart of the process High freedom, high accountability
QA mechanisms Compliance audit Termly surveys Data analysis Termly committee meetings Termly monitoring of teaching Teaching staff audit (At least) Four visits per year to each trainee Lots and lots of s and phone calls
Partnership led QA processes Inputs QA of recruitment/ selection QA of teaching QA of mentoring Outputs Trainee outcomes Survey outcomes Qualitative feedback
QA processes How do you assure quality across different Alliances?
Aligning primary and secondary Why the need What are we talking about What are the challenges and opportunities
Finance Financial models.xlsx
Deepening partnership What are the characteristics of a genuine deep partnership?
Deepening partnership Trust Shared understanding of quality Clarity about responsibilities Shared aims Joint innovation Flexibility and GSOH!