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The Charter Language Rights Immigration 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Treaties & other Aboriginal Laws Big Words
The study of Populations. For example: how many people are in Canada’s Labour Force
What is Demographics?
The viewpoint of a single individual, based on experience or observation
What is Point of View?
The viewpoint of an individual that is based on feelings, not experience.
What is opinion?
The viewpoint of a group of people.
What is Perspective?
Meaning a great difference, this term’s synonyms include inequality and it rhymes with posterity.
What is disparity? (example: the disparity between rich and poor)
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is entrenched within this document.
What is Canada’s Constitution?
These are the only two Charter rights that are reserved for full Canadian citizens.
What are Democratic rights (voting) and Mobility rights (the right to enter Canada)
These are the 3 groups that have collective rights under our Charter.
What are Anglophones, Francophones and Aboriginals?
The purposes of these rights is to affirm the shared identity specific groups in Canada.
What are Collective Rights?
The section of the Charter that refers to Aboriginal Rights.
What is section 35?
The people represented by the Numbered Treaties. (eg. #6, #7 & #8)
Who are the First Nations?
The legislation that created First Nations reserves in Canada.
What are the Numbered Treaties?
This piece of legislation defines who is and who is not a status Aboriginal.
What is the Indian Act?
The original Indian Act was partially intended to do this to the First Nation’s culture.
What is assimilate?
This piece of legislation created by a province, provides some land rights to Métis people.
What is the Alberta-Métis Settlement Accord?
These are the two official languages of Canada.
What is English and French.
These are the two categories of collective language rights in Canada.
Minority Language Rights Official Bilingualism
According to this right, all Canadian have the right to use French or English when dealing with our government.
What is Official Bilingualism?
If a university in Alberta offered courses in French because the population of native French speakers in Alberta was large enough, they would be complying with this collective right.
What are Minority Education Rights?
This law, passed by the province of Quebec in 1977, was challenged under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms because it infringed on the rights of Anglophones in Quebec who wanted to educate their children in English schools.
What was Bill 101?
This class represents the largest percentage of immigrants to Canada.
What is the Economic Immigrant class?
The Singh Decision changed the rules for this class of immigrant.
What is the Refugee Class?
Many in this group of people feel that Canada has overlooked them in favour of immigrants.
Who are the First Nations?
Economic Class immigrants are assessed by this system in order to qualify.
What is the Points System.
This program allows provinces to pick a percentage of the immigrants entering Canada each year based on language, skills or other reasons. This program also allows provinces to set up immigration offices in foreign countries.
What is the Provincial Nomination Program?
Make your wager
The First Nations rejected amendments to this act because they felt they were not consulted.
What is the Indian Act, 2002