Write 2-3 sentences explaining… Bellwork on paper… 1.what you see in the picture. 2.what you think this picture symbolizes. 3.how this may apply to your education and your future. Use these sentence stems to help! This picture shows ________ which could symbolize or show____________. What’s happening in the picture could reflect my education because ______________________
Objectives Content Objectives – We will demonstrate analysis of excerpts by outlining, simplifying, and examining the text to draw personal conclusions about our own education and construct written responses about those conclusions. Language Objectives – We will write and speak to critique and evaluate two arguments by using sentence frames and discussion.
Agenda – Questions on handout HOW does Khalil Gibran relay this message to you How does the FORM of the poem show his argument – Malcolm X excerpt Read thoroughly and annotate One sentence summary? Compare to Khalil Gibran Poem – Graded discussion What do think Khalil Gibran means by all of the comparisons he draws? How does this relate to your bellwork response from today and yesterday? Has your opinion on what Khalil Gibran is saying about teacher/student roles now different that you have critically read it? Do you agree or disagree with what he is saying? Why or why not?
Exit Ticket Response Text to Text/Text to Self – How does Malcolm X’s experience with a “home made” education illustrate or show what Khalil Gibran is saying in his poem?
HOMEWORK Vocabulary Words – Definitions and sentences due Wednesday – Write the word, the definition, and use the word in an original sentence to show your understanding
Bell Work: How does the TED talk video “The Power of Introverts” connect to transcendentalism and its writers? Write 2-3 sentences to explain your thoughts.
Objectives Content Objectives – We will demonstrate analysis of poems by outlining, simplifying, and examining the text to draw conclusions and construct written responses about those conclusions. Language Objectives – We will write to compare and contrast two poems by using a double bubble thinking map.
“Because I Could not Stop for Death” – Skim the poem (no pens, no talking) – Write most important vocabulary in key words box – Read thoroughly. Annotate (make notes) as you read. “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”** – Skim the poem (no pens, no talking) – Write most important vocabulary in key words box – Read thoroughly. Annotate (make notes) as you read. **Villanelles have nineteen lines divided into 5 three-line stanzas and a sixth stanza with four lines. The rhyme scheme is ABA ABA ABA ABA ABA ABAA, so there are only two rhymes that end all the lines. In addition, the first line and third line, the refrains, are repeated four times each – the first line appears at the end of stanzas 2 and 4 and as the second-to-last line in stanza 6. The poem's third line appears again at the end of stanzas 3, 5, and 6. So if we call the first line A and the third line A', and any line that rhymes with them a, then the rhyme scheme is: AbA' abA abA' abA abA' abAA'.
After creating a one line summary, respond to the questions. – Work with your group (number off 1-7) to answer the questions on a separate piece of paper. Create a double bubble thinking map! Frame of Reference = poems, prior knowledge… Guiding Question = What do the poems have in common and how are they different? – How do the speakers differ? How are they similar? – How would you describe the tone of each poem? How does the tone of each poem differ? Is the tone the same at certain parts of the poem? – What are the similarities and differences of the poems' rhyme schemes? – What effect does Thomas' use of the villanelle form have on the tone of "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" in contrast to Dickinson’s poem? – What are the similarities and differences between each poem's presentation of death? – How else would you compare and contrast these poems?
1.Work with your table partner to answer the questions on a separate piece of paper or on the back. 2.HOMEWORK: read and analyze “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night.” Record notes/thoughts next to the poem.
HOMEWORK Vocabulary Words – Definitions and sentences due Wednesday – Write the word, the definition, and use the word in an original sentence to show your understanding