How do you measure web success? SCANPO Knowledge Network Webinar August 5, 2015
Step 1: Audit How many website visits do you get now? How many Facebook likes? How many Twitter followers? How many LinkedIn connections? How many subscribers?
Step 2: Assess What is your website bounce rate? How much time do people spend on your site? How many likes & shares do your Facebook posts receive? How many tweets are retweeted or favorited? What is your open rate and click-thru-rate?
Step 3: Benchmarking Bounce Rate Time Spent on Website Open & Click-Thru Rate Facebook Post Likes & Shares
Step 4: Goals Where do your numbers need to be? Set realistic goals Use specific numbers Diagnose the cause if your numbers are off before you set the goal
Step 5: Measure Name an owner of your metrics Establish regular intervals Automate reporting
Words of Wisdom Past Performance is a predictor of Future Behavior
Words of Wisdom When resources are limited, make sure every penny counts.
Words of Wisdom Digital metrics aren’t to be used in a vacuum; they can help you understand your entire base of people.
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