LYNX Wellness and Family Medical Leave Act A Transit Perspective
Wellness Programs 2 Current (The basics) EAP Gym offerings Food updates and tips of the week Website support Coaching support Weight loss challenges Food samples and vending machine enhancements Rewards for getting annual physical or other ‘maintenance type’ check ups Sponsored sporting events and group exercise Tickets to events and small tokens Added cost towards health premiums for tobacco users Quiet or Rest areas Water bottles and refill areas
Wellness Programs Future (Millennials) Consumer directed health plans (ie.) A choice of a HDP or a traditional HMO/PPO On site fitness to include Yoga, Cross-fit and specialty fitness classes. This to also focus on the social aspect ‘work fitness’ Telemedicine instead of actual visits to the Dr. Expanded parental leave (up to a year) and vacation (unlimited). Provided or stipend towards child care Snack bars Stipends towards college debt Regular feedback and rewards instead of annual performance evaluations Paid professional development and training (ie). For retention because they will jump if not happy. Provide a rotational program. Expansion of technology and social media within agency (ie.) Better be up to date 3
Millennials 4 Millennials will be the largest working group in the next 5 years Millennials have a different ‘paradigm’ on most aspects surrounding wellness and how to achieve it Millennials will expect more from their employers Millennials perception of longevity in the workplace is approx. 3-5 years Millennials will demand more flexibility in the workplace than ever before Millennials will frown on the typically slow moving policies, programs, procedures and general effectiveness of using transit or working in transit Millennials will be the largest working group in the next 5 years Millennials have a different ‘paradigm’ on most aspects surrounding wellness and how to achieve it Millennials will expect more from their employers Millennials perception of longevity in the workplace is approx. 3-5 years Millennials will demand more flexibility in the workplace than ever before Millennials will frown on the typically slow moving policies, programs, procedures and general effectiveness of using transit or working in transit
Did You Know? True or False 5 FMLA doesn’t cover domestic partners TRUE FMLA doesn’t cover domestic partners TRUE An employee can take FMLA to attend their son/daughters military ceremony TRUE An employee can take FMLA to attend their son/daughters military ceremony TRUE Collective Bargaining Units have a bearing on FMLA TRUE Collective Bargaining Units have a bearing on FMLA TRUE
FMLA – Significant items to consider FMLA knowledge of employer Are you clear on the Who? What? Where? When? How? FMLA knowledge of employee Is the employee clear on the Who? What? Where ? When? How? FMLA knowledge of health care provider Is the HCP clear on the Who? What? Where? When? How? 6
FMLA – Significant items to consider Employer 1.How does it begin? 2.Leave paid or unpaid? 3.Who pays premiums? 4.Periodic reports? 5.Key employee’s? 6.Intermittent leave? 7.Eligibility? 8.Qualifying events? Employee/HCP 1.Types of Dr.s? 2.Essential functions? 3.Exigency leave? 4.26/12/480 5.Determining 12 month? 6.Notification(s)? 7.Fitness for duty? 8.Discharge? 7
FMLA – Minimizing impacts 8 Check eligibility (2x) Schedule the intermittent leave Enforce requirements Documentation needs to be specific and complete Enforce call-in procedures Second opinions Make sure the leave qualifies Certify, certify, certify and review Status reports (periodically) Follow all absences Train everyone involved with FMLA Confront suspected abuse Send for clarification from HCP Managers and Supervisors to ask set questions
FMLA in Transit Many employers do not pursue possible FMLA abusers Many employers do not pursue information from HCP Many employers do not have dedicated staff handling FMLA Many employers do not understand their own rights Many employers do not believe that they can ask questions Many employers do not send key employees for training Many employers do not apply banked sick time, vacation, or personal days against FMLA use Many employers do not enforce the rules afforded to them Many employers do not take action “The resulting abuse of sick outs and FMLA could go as high as >40% workforce absenteeism in Transit” 9
Absenteeism Overall absenteeism in Transit Operations has an upward trend LYNX has seen an increase by 1% each year over the last four years (14.5%) Written reminders begin after first absence (Step 1) Enter progressive discipline after 5 absences (Step 2) Suspension – 1 day after 7 absences (Step 3) Suspension – 3 days after 9 absences (Step 4) Subject to term after 11 absences Up to 40% of cost in workforce illness is in lost productivity Did you know that real and/or perceived threats play a big part Causes back pain, anger, rage, grief, depression,anxiety 10
THANK YOU Enjoy the rest of your conference Stephen Berry Manager of Operations 2500 LYNX Lane Orlando, FL