Summer Walking Challenge Century House New Westminster Parks & Recreation
Seniors Recreation Center Municipally Owned 51 years old 2000 members Home away from Home
How Did It Start? Summer Attendance always lower Construction in our facility Active Communities Coordinator –New West Walks Program Pedometers donated from SFU Goal – Keep members active
What did we do? Walking Packages: –Log books, literature, pedometers, etc. Set up in New West Walks to track km’s July, Aug. & Sept. Celebrate BC’s 150 th Anniversary by walking around BC Display Map to track distance walked… for a little added motivation
Results Over 40 participantsOver 40 participants Inspired members to walk, not a competitionInspired members to walk, not a competition –Deb & Richard Kept in touch with Century HouseKept in touch with Century House Kept activeKept active Walked 19,995 km’s or around BC 4 timesWalked 19,995 km’s or around BC 4 times
Lessons Learned Participant Sign-inParticipant Sign-in DemographicsDemographics Survey with Log BookSurvey with Log Book –Why did they participate? –How did it impact them? –Any Suggestions?
Amazing the good that can come from one donation... Thank you