Robbie Hawthorne Careers Scotland Activate National Co-ordinator
National Evaluation – ESF funded 04/06 On Track has been redesigned to: Have more impact at point of transition Target more closely young people identified as planning to leave school at the first opportunity Ensure continuity of support post transition
Key Messages Selection Students who will require support to make a successful transition to the workplace and who intend leaving school at the next school leaving date A range of client profiles is essential in order that the group dynamic can be positive Delivery is most likely to be in school therefore a reasonable percentage attendance will be required Selection will be made from pupils identified by school staff and On-Track Advisers With parental approval, students will contract in to the programme to ensure a level of commitment from all parties
Local Flexibility A programme can be offered to S4 summer leavers, S5 Christmas leavers, S5/6 summer leavers or a combination of these provided the client is 16 or under on entry to the programme The programme can be delivered in school, in college or in a partner’s premises This has to be determined by the requirements of the ESF bid, CS resources and the needs of the schools; taking into account other alternative curriculum provision.
Timing The optimum group number will be 10, with the programme delivered twice per academic year to 2 cohorts each of 16 week duration The suggested framework would be to deliver programme 1 from August – December for the Christmas leaver cohort and programme 2 from January – April for the summer leaver cohort Timetabling between the school and CS will be crucial to the success of this model
Partnership There will be a national strategic partnership set up to drive the programme forward There will be local steering groups established to drive forward the programme and offer practical advice and support
Materials There is recognition that On Track materials are ‘tired’. A range of more appropriate, CS endorsed materials will be used to support the programme The value of enterprise activities cannot be underestimated and the development of enterprise skills will be a key part of the model
Mentoring In school: Substantial one-to-one contact time will be built into the model to allow advisers to address individual issues and develop students’ career planning. Contact will be minimally one hour every 4 weeks Post school: mentoring and tracking will last for one year from an individual student’s school leaving date: this offers a key and unique continuity of support
Certification The central element of the programme will remain focussed on the development of students’ core, transferable employability skills and all certification will reflect this
Celebration Celebration of success will remain as another important aspect of the programme
Outline Programme content Employability skills Enterprise Skills Individual Mentoring Post Programme Support (return to school) Post Programme Support (Left school) Certification Celebration of Success 2 periods x week 30 hours 1 hour x 4 weeks 1 year from SLD Ongoing End of Programme Personal Development, Career Planning, Career Management Team Building Days, College Visits Work Tasters, Fund Raising Career Planning, Action Planning Goal Setting As above Tracking, Mentoring Core Skills All Partners
Cost of Programme per School per Year (1 summer leaver and 1 Christmas leaver programme) Total Cost per Programme per School£13,000 ESF Contribution£ 5,850 (45%) CS Contribution£ 3,150 (25%) School / Education Authority Contribution£ 4,000 (30%)