MSc Department Structure Deanery of Business and Computer Science School of Computing also School of Business Postgraduate Provision MSc Computing MSc Distributed Systems
TimeTabling – Full Time Semester-1 –60 credits maximum of taught modules Semester-2 –60 credits maximum of taught modules Followed By –60 credits of research MUST have achieved120 credits of taught modules by end of Your 3 rd Semester
Modules Modules are repeated the following semester All modules have at least one assessment Some have more than one 15 credit submission is equivalent of 3,500 to 5,000 words –150 hours equivalent 30 credit submission is equivalent to 7,000 to 10,000 words –300 hours equivalent
MSc Computing Modules Three general routes – all include core of: Programming Relational Database Development Human Computer Interaction Systems Analysis and Design –Software Route Operating Systems Computer Systems LAN Management Data Communications –Systems Route The core modules plus any other four –Web Route 3-D Modelling Web Authoring Multimedia Development Web Technologies
MSc Distributed Systems Modules Specialised Approach –Two core modules MUST be passed Distributed Systems Technology Distributed Systems Programming –Followed by two options Web Services Grid Computing Biologically Inspired Systems Data Mining
Module Guidelines Selecting a module may be based on –Previous study of the subject –Background knowledge of the area –Pure interest –Employment prospects Seek advice –Maximum 60 credits in one semester Only be invited to commence research on successful completion of 120 credits of taught modules