New Responses for New Needs? Denis Cummins
Problem Indicators Live register of unemployed for north east region increased by 100%+ in last 12 months Overall rise in CAO applications of 12% (mature apps +19%) Live register for end of year projected to reach 500K+
Live Register – Comparisons by Region April 2009
Total Male Regional Unemployment 25,887 Total Female Regional Unemployment 12,115 Total under 257,789 Over 2530,213
CAO Level 6 and st Prefs
CAO Level 8 – 1 st Prefs
Student Categories Traditional cohort of school leavers Students wishing to enter college before re- introduction of fees Graduating students staying on for higher level awards Newly unemployed persons Persons on reduced working week Perons wishing to upskill
Types of Demand Full awards (on full-time and part-time basis) Continuing Professional Development Recognition of Prior Learning Single modules and minor awards Flexible delivery – online, distance, blended learning
How can we adapt to new circumstances?
Limitations of current system Systems designed primarily for traditional full- time students Full-time and LLL students are separate groups (so also are staff) Predominance of traditional classroom based delivery is very labour intensive Learner attendance required at times that do not suit non traditional learners Providing for additional demand using traditional approaches implies additional resources
More efficient resource utilisation Block timetabling of subjects (modules) allows both PT and FT students to take module together Use modularisation to reduce replication (eg Computer Applications) Remove distinction between FT and PT students – schedule 9am-9pm, with students attending for 3 days max only
More efficient resource utilisation Develop online content for all modules Share online module content between institutions
Cost reduction strategies Use of shared services – purchasing, IT, advertising, promotion, payroll? Greater use of open source software Collective purchasing of software licences Collective purchasing of energy and other services
How can NEFHEA respond to crisis? How to accept more students? Joint development and delivery of programmes? Shared access to facilities eg DKIT library Shared online modules? Shared staff? Joint market needs analysis?