Teaching Creatively Teaching for Creativity? or
How much of the creativity in your lessons is yours? How creative are your students? Why is creativity so important?
How creative are you?
Creative teachers What would a creative teacher wear? What would a creative teacher’s classroom be like? What would creative teachers hate? What would a creative teacher eat? What would you ask?
What would a creative learner be like? Creative learning
Views of Creativity
Creative rhetorics....creative schools? For each of the given descriptions of creativity, imagine what a school would be like if this was the prevailing view. What decisions would be taken with regard to organising the curriculum, timetabling, resources, staffing etc. Would you like to work there?
Creativity and critical thinking National Curriculum Cross-curriculum dimensions
All Our Futures (1999) All Our Futures (1999)
“Imaginative activity fashioned so as to produce outcomes that are both original and of value.” All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education 1999
Teaching for creativity or teaching creatively – what’s the difference?
Where good ideas come from…
Bloom’s revised taxonomy Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Evaluation Creativity
ACTIVITY Look at the list of questions classified according to Bloom’s taxonomy. What is it about them that puts them in that category?
Creativity needs space to think Changing the language. What happens when…. What might happen when…. What is…. What could be…… Why does…. Why might…..
ACTIVITY Look at the question examples with the “new improved version. How might they increase the possibility of creative thinking?
Creativity loves constraint
What car do they drive?
Techniques Forced analogy Why is ICT like an onion? Compare differentiation with learning to swim. What’s your analogy for education?
Function fixation How could you use a digital camera as a recording device? How could you use a digital camera as a measuring device? How else could you use a digital camera?
Draw a picture to illustrate your job. Draw the picture your best friend would draw. Re-Present
Three little pigs Sketch a graph of the wolf’s emotions as the story progresses.
What would you put on a reote control for maths?
Drama Changes of state Boiling points
"Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." Mark Twain