The Manchurian Crisis 1929-1933
Guiding Questions Why did Japan invade Manchuria? What was the response of the League of Nations to the Manchurian Crisis?
Background The Russo-Japanese War Civil War in China The Hawley-Smoot Tariff The Japanese Economy Handling the Great Depression
The Manchurian Crisis Why was Japan interested in Manchuria during the Great Depression? The Kwantung Army Colonel Seishiro Itagaki Lt. Colonel Kanji Ishiwara Itagaki
The Manchurian Incident The Plot Staging the attack September 18, 1931 Occupying Mukden
The Mukden Crisis Chinese Public Opinion The Chinese Civil War Mao Tse-tung Chiang Kai Shek
The Manchurian Crisis Turning to the League of Nations October 1931 The Response of the League of Nations January 7, 1932 The Stimson Doctrine
The Manchurian Crisis January 14, 1932 The Lytton Commission Victor Bulwer of Lytton Manchukuo Emperor Puyi
The Manchurian Crisis Spring 1932 The results of the fact finding mission October 1932 Condemning Japan
The Manchurian Crisis Hoover’s Response The British Response The Gold Standard Sir John Simon (February 1933)
The Manchurian Crisis What were the consequences of the Manchurian Crisis? Breaking the Washington Naval Agreements Gaining new resources