12/13/ Title I/Reading Support Program Meet Your Teacher Night Dallastown Area School District
12/13/ No Child Left Behind Reauthorization of Elementary/Secondary Education Act Federal Programs – Title I Monies to operate the Title I program are $443,548 (+$31,428) Salaries and benefits for ten teachers in four elementary schools: DT, LS, OV &YT
12/13/ Program Components All children, including Title I children, must have the opportunity to meet the state’s challenging content and performance standards The Title I program must coordinate with and support the regular education program Title I instruction and assessment are to be based in the regular curriculum, not in a separate one.
12/13/ Title I Program Calendar Mark your calendars: Skeeta the Clown – January 19, 2010 Summer Bucket of Fun – May 19, 2010
12/13/ Title I Guidelines for Instruction Effective instructional strategies must be used that provide: extended learning time high quality curriculum minimal pull-out from the classroom instruction by highly qualified staff effective means for improving student achievement
12/13/ Guidelines for Admission to Title I Assessments are to be both diagnostic and curriculum assessments Performance assessments that are aligned with the curriculum Student performance in reading must be reviewed on an ongoing basis
12/13/ District Assessments and Title I Program Criteria Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) Sentence Dictation Writing Vocabulary Terra Nova (Grade 3 only)
12/13/ Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) A method of assessing and documenting students’ development (growth) as readers over time (Beaver p. 4)
12/13/ DRA Reading Level First Grade 6 + – Advanced 3-5 – Proficient 2 or below – Partially Proficient Second Grade Advanced – Proficient 14 or below – Partially Proficient Third Grade Advanced – Proficient 24 or below – Partially Proficient
12/13/ DRA Benchmarks First Grade Level 4 – November Level 10 – January Level 14 - April Level 16 – May/June Second Grade Level 18 – November Level 20 – January Level 24 - April Level 28 – May/June Third Grade Level 30 – November Level 34 – January Level 34 - April Level 38 – May/June
12/13/ Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) What does it look like? What information does it provide? How do we use the information?
12/13/ What does it look like? One on one conference with a book Given in an area of the classroom or possibly in the hallway Child reads all or part of the text aloud to the teacher
12/13/ What does it look like? Child retells the story immediately after reading (Level 1 – 24) Teacher prompts for details not provided by the student Child must answer questions in writing about the story at Level 28 Child reads part of the story aloud
12/13/ What information is provided? Accuracy Comprehension Fluency (phrasing) The goals for children's independence in each of the three areas change over time as the child grows as a reader.
12/13/ Comprehension
12/13/ Sentence Dictation
12/13/ Sentence Dictation First Grade – Advanced – Proficient 0-23 – Partially Proficient Second Grade – Advanced – Proficient 0-32 – Partially Proficient
12/13/ Writing Vocabulary
12/13/ Writing Vocabulary First Grade Advanced Proficient Partially Proficient Second Grade Advanced – Proficient 0-34 – Partially Proficient
12/13/ Parent Communication Parent Notification Letter Progress Report Each marking period Sent home with report card Program Evaluation and Needs Assessment Sent home at the end of the year
Progress Report NameGrade Classroom TeacherSchool Reading Support Teacher 1 st Marking Period – Date Making limited progress in the Reading Support program Making satisfactory progress in the Reading Support program Making successful progress in the Reading Support Program Reading Level Comments: 2 nd Marking Period – Date Making limited progress in the Reading Support program Making satisfactory progress in the Reading Support program Making successful progress in the Reading Support Program Reading Level Comments: 3 rd Marking Period – Date Making limited progress in the Reading Support program Making satisfactory progress in the Reading Support program Making successful progress in the Reading Support Program Reading Level Comments: 4 th Marking Period – Date Making limited progress in the Reading Support program Making satisfactory progress in the Reading Support program Making successful progress in the Reading Support Program Reading Level Comments:
TO:Title I Parents FROM:Paula R. March, Project Director SUBJECT:Annual Program Evaluation and Needs Assessment DATE:April 11, 2008 ExcellentGoodFairPoor How effectively is the program in helping your child make progress in his/her reading skills? How would you evaluate the attitude of your child(ren) toward this reading support program? How effective are the instructional materials (books) that are being used? How would rate the communication among the Title I teacher, classroom teachers, and building administrator as they strive to meet your child (ren)’s educational needs? How would you rate our efforts to involve parents in the Title I Program? Circle those programs that you have attended: Parent/Teacher Conferences Meet Your Teacher Night Parent Literacy Night (A Magical Night of Reading) Title I Calendar Title I website Progress Reports Monthly Newsletters Specific commendations on the Title I program: Specific recommendations on how to improve the Title I program: We are required by law to conduct an annual parent evaluation of our Title I Program. Without your assistance in this evaluation, our program and the children served by it will be adversely affected. Please help us in this matter by responding to the questionnaire below.
12/13/ How can you help us? READ Thank you for coming this evening and showing your support of our program!