The new method oxidizer of chemical waste products Tomsk Polytechnic University, assistant professor Tatiana N. Volgina
Composition chemical waste products It maybe: individual substances or mixers of difference substances phenolaniline
Methods of the detoxication of the chemical waste products storage burn down plasmochemical destruction
Defects of the methods detoxication necessity of the creating of the bulky installations, the difficulty in operating, the presence of the secondary polluting substances etc.
The laboratory plant
The scheme of the destruction of the aniline ! The condition: a concentration of the aniline is very small (<0,001 mol/l) hinons CO 2 + H 2 O -NO 2
! The condition: a concentration of the aniline is more 0,01 mol/l The scheme of the oxidizer of the aniline
The outward appearance of the polyaniline In the solution On the electrode Wires from polyaniline
Properties of polyaniline Polyaniline posses electrical properties. Polyaniline is prevented a corrosion. Polyaniline is applicable to electrical, electrochemical, and optical applications.
The method indirect oxidizer is allowed from chemical waste products receive polymer with properties of metal Conclusion