Build Yourself Up Jude 20-21
Recall the Big Picture Creation Creation Fall Fall Salvation Salvation Process and Triumph Process and Triumph
Remember the Need of Community Jude is written to churches Jude is written to churches v. 12 v. 12 We are called to live this out in a community that lives together and dies together—we have a responsibility We are called to live this out in a community that lives together and dies together—we have a responsibility
Concord Declaration (Working Draft) We believe before anything existed there was God who from eternity existed in a fellowship of love among the Persons of the Trinity—the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe before anything existed there was God who from eternity existed in a fellowship of love among the Persons of the Trinity—the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe this personal God by His unlimited power spoke into existence all space, time and matter, and shaped the universe to support life on planet Earth. We believe this personal God by His unlimited power spoke into existence all space, time and matter, and shaped the universe to support life on planet Earth. We believe He created all life and that the crown of His creation is humanity—human beings made in His image. Therefore all humans are valuable and human life is sacred. We believe He created all life and that the crown of His creation is humanity—human beings made in His image. Therefore all humans are valuable and human life is sacred.
We believe that while created perfect and sinless that our ancestors rebelled against God and plunged the world into darkness and chaos. Humans are therefore now subject to death, bent toward evil, and the whole creation has been twisted from its original beautiful purpose. We believe that while created perfect and sinless that our ancestors rebelled against God and plunged the world into darkness and chaos. Humans are therefore now subject to death, bent toward evil, and the whole creation has been twisted from its original beautiful purpose. We believe fallen humanity lives out his rebellion in many different ways that leads to brokenness, sorrow, degradation and death. This rebellion is even expressed in religions and disguised in human philosophies that lead to violence, exploitation and human oppression. We believe fallen humanity lives out his rebellion in many different ways that leads to brokenness, sorrow, degradation and death. This rebellion is even expressed in religions and disguised in human philosophies that lead to violence, exploitation and human oppression.
We believe that while God could have left us in our brokenness and sin, that He is a God of love and mercy who has chosen to save out of the human race a people for Himself. He chose to do so through the Person of Jesus Christ. We believe that while God could have left us in our brokenness and sin, that He is a God of love and mercy who has chosen to save out of the human race a people for Himself. He chose to do so through the Person of Jesus Christ. We believe Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God who took on human flesh 2,000 years ago, being born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, and He died for our sins, as our substitute on the cross. He received the wrath of God our sins deserved. He was buried and rose bodily on the third day. All who repent of their sin and trust in Him receive forgiveness and eternal life as a gift. Christ's perfect righteousness is credited to all who trust in Him and thus we are eternally now acceptable to God to live in fellowship with Him. We believe Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God who took on human flesh 2,000 years ago, being born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, and He died for our sins, as our substitute on the cross. He received the wrath of God our sins deserved. He was buried and rose bodily on the third day. All who repent of their sin and trust in Him receive forgiveness and eternal life as a gift. Christ's perfect righteousness is credited to all who trust in Him and thus we are eternally now acceptable to God to live in fellowship with Him.
We believe that God is patient to let the world continue while He saves His people through the spread of the gospel message. While this means that evil and darkness will continue momentarily, that God is in the process of making things new. He restrains evil from being worse through His Spirit and the influence of His people, yet the world is broken and evil will exist until Christ returns. We believe that God is patient to let the world continue while He saves His people through the spread of the gospel message. While this means that evil and darkness will continue momentarily, that God is in the process of making things new. He restrains evil from being worse through His Spirit and the influence of His people, yet the world is broken and evil will exist until Christ returns.
We believe God is calling His new people to Himself in salvation and gathering those new people into His church all over the earth. His church exists as salt and light in the world and has the task of spreading the message of salvation through proclamation as she lives lovingly and peacefully among her neighbors. As Christians die their spirits go to be with Christ while their bodies await resurrection. We believe God is calling His new people to Himself in salvation and gathering those new people into His church all over the earth. His church exists as salt and light in the world and has the task of spreading the message of salvation through proclamation as she lives lovingly and peacefully among her neighbors. As Christians die their spirits go to be with Christ while their bodies await resurrection.
We believe that Christ will return someday. He will gather His people body and spirit to a glorious new heaven and earth where there will be no sorrow, sin or death. All evil shall be judged and humanity apart from Christ will experience everlasting judgment and separation from God in hell. We believe that Christ will return someday. He will gather His people body and spirit to a glorious new heaven and earth where there will be no sorrow, sin or death. All evil shall be judged and humanity apart from Christ will experience everlasting judgment and separation from God in hell. We believe God has revealed Himself to us and all that is above through the Bible. We believe God has revealed Himself to us and all that is above through the Bible.