1 Objectives InnovÉÉ promotes and supports electricity technology innovation Contribute to the strengthening of the Quebec electricity technology innovation ecosystem Support members’ research and innovation activities Support the creation and training of highly qualified workers Contribute to strengthening Quebec academic leadership in strategic S&T fields
2 What we do Promote collaborative R&D Incubate ideas Networking events Newsletter and social networks Open Innovation web platform Databases Advisory services Finding the right partners Applying for subsidies Preparing for a Call for Proposals Co-finance collaborative R&D Subsidies for research projects Support for finding other grants
3 Key research topics New technologies for electric vehicles Electric motors and transmissions Batteries and BMS Other forms of energy storage (supercapacitors, flywheels, H2 and fuel cells, etc.) Power electronics (chargers, inverters, etc.) Heating and other auxiliary energy needs Integrated hybrid & electric drivetrains Charging stations (AC or DC) Charging infrastructure network management V2G/V2H Etc. New technologies for autonomous vehicles and intelligent transport systems Navigation systems Sensors Etc. New technologies for vehicle lightweighting Aluminum Composites Etc.
4 New technologies for power generation Hydro (including micro hydro) Solar, wind and other renewables Power solutions for isolated communities Power solutions for Nordic climates Biomass and cogeneration Energy efficiency Etc. New technologies for electricity transportation, distribution, storage and optimized useage Smart grids Distributed generation Power conversion Energy security Large scale electricity storage Integrating renewables into grids Etc. Key research topics
5 Available subsidies Available subsidy (max) Industry contribution (min) Number of participating companies (min) Research projects (TRL 1-3)$ 1.5M20%2 Development projects (TRL 4-6)$ 1.5M25*1 Passeport Innovation (TRL 1-3)$ 20k25%1 Passeport Innovation (TRL 4-6)$ 50k50%1 NSERC Engage$ 25k-1 Mitacs-Acceleration$ 7.5k50%1 * Must be matched by in-kind contribution.
6 Collaborative research (TRL 1-3) Research partner budget TRL at start of project: 1-3 Minimum two industrial partners, including one that has R&D or manufacturing activities in Quebec Research: university, CEGEP ou CCTT Grants: Up to $1.5M ($500k /year) Leverage on industrial contribution: ≈ 4.8 Industrial contributions are eligible for tax credits
7 Collaborative development (TRL 4-6) TRL at start of project: 4-6 Minimum one industrial partner with R&D or manufacturing activities in Quebec Research: university, CEGEP, CCTT or public research centre Grants: Up to $1.5M ($500k /year) Leverage on industrial contribution: ≈ 3.9 Industrial contributions are eligible for tax credits Research partner budget
8 Selection criteria TRL at start and end of project Scientific and technological novelty Strength of partnership Economic impact (on partners and on QC) Financial commitment of partners Number of students involved Feasibility of project
9 Approval process Conformity analysis Techno- economic evaluation Approval by Inno-VÉ board of directors Approval by Government (MEIE) Approx. 6-8 weeks
10 Calls for Proposals Calls are held 3-4 times a year Six Calls completed since March 2013 27 proposals submitted Over $1.5 million in approved subsidies Projects valued at over $3 million (including industrial contributions) 25 industrial et 5 academic partners involved to date Next Call for Proposals (deadlines): November 27, 2015 March 4, 2016 May 6, 2016 September 30, 2016
Alexandre Beaudet, PhD Program manager Web: Contacts