Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 Service Area Competition (SAC) New and Competing Continuation HRSA , HRSA , HRSA , HRSA , HRSA , HRSA , HRSA , HRSA SAC Technical Assistance (TA) page:
Agenda Overview Award Due Dates & Times Eligibility Requirements Award Information Two-Tiered Electronic Submission Process Program Narrative Performance Measures Budget Important Facts Technical Assistance Contacts Question & Answer Session 2
Overview The Service Area Competition (SAC) is a competitive funding opportunity that provides funding for the provision of comprehensive primary health care services to underserved and/or special targeted populations. Three types of applicants: 1.Current grantees applying to continue serving their current service area 2.New applicants 3.Current grantees applying to serve a new service area 3
Overview Please Note: A Health Center Program grantee whose project period does not end in FY 2012 (October 1, 2011 – September 30, 2012) should complete a Budget Period Progress Report (BPR) rather than a SAC application 4
Overview 5
Project period is up to 5 years for current grantees and up to 2 years for new applicants Project period start date: varies throughout FY 2012* deadline: varies throughout FY 2012* HRSA Electronic Handbook (EHB) deadline: varies throughout FY2012* *see following slide for details 6
Application Due Dates &Times 7 Project Period Start DateHRSA Announcement Number Deadline (8:00 PM ET) HRSA EHB Deadline (8:00 PM ET) November 1, 2011HRSA August 8, 2011August 22, 2011 December 1, 2011HRSA August 15, 2011August 29, 2011 January 1, 2012HRSA August 29, 2011September 12, 2011 February 1, 2012HRSA September 19, 2011October 3, 2011 March 1, 2012HRSA October 17, 2011October 31, 2011 April 1, 2012HRSA November 7, 2011November 21, 2011 May 1, 2012HRSA December 5, 2011December 19, 2011 June 1, 2012HRSA January 9, 2012January 23, 2012
Eligibility Requirements Applicants must: 1.Be public or nonprofit private entities, including tribal, faith-based, and community-based organizations; and 2.Propose to serve a current service area and its associated population(s) see the Service Area Announcement Table available at 8
Service Area Announcement Table 9 Available as a PDF table organized by project period start date or as a customized table based on search criteria.
Eligibility Requirements Target Populations by Funding Type: Community Health Centers (CHC, section 330(e)): target population is underserved individuals Migrant Health Centers (MHC, section 330 (g)): target population is migrant and seasonal farm workers and their families Health Care for the Homeless (HCH, section 330 (h)): target population is homeless individuals and families Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC, section 330 (i)): target population is residents of, and individuals living immediately adjacent to, public housing 10
Eligibility Requirements Competing organizations must: 1.Serve entire announced service area 2.Serve same target population 3.Provide same or comparable comprehensive primary health care services 4.Request an equal or lesser amount of Federal funding, including funding for CHC, MHC, HCH, and/or PHPC see the Service Area Announcement Table available at
Award Information Award Basics: Approximately $450 million available for approximately 230 FY 2012 SAC awards Awards will vary across CHC, MHC, HCH, and/or PHPC Ineligible Uses of SAC Funding: Construction/renovation of facilities Fundraising/grants writing Lobbying efforts 12
Two-Tiered Submission Process Phase 1: Register in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) and Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) prior to registering in Register in as soon as possible Receive a validation from following successful submission Phase 2: HRSA EHB Register in HRSA EHB as soon as possible Receive a tracking number for accessing EHB via 7 business days after submission Receive a confirmation from EHB following successful submission 13
Phase 1: Required Forms SF-424: Application for Federal Assistance (upload Project Abstract on page 2, box 15) HHS Checklist Project/Performance Site Location(s) Form Lobbying Form (Certification Regarding Lobbying) see Table 1 (page iii) and Table 2 (page 8) in the FOA 14
Phase 2: EHB Required Forms Program Narrative SF-424A: Budget information – Non-Construction Programs Budget Justification (upload in Budget Narrative Attachment Form field) SF-424B: Assurances – Non-Construction Programs SF-LLL: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities HHS Certifications Attachments Program Specific Forms Program Specific Information (Performance Measures) see Table 1 (page iv) and Tables 3-5 (pages 9-16) in the FOA 15
Phase 2: EHB Attachments All attachments are required except: 6: Co-Applicant Agreement 7: Summary of Contracts and Agreements 12: Evidence of Non-Profit or Public Center Status 13: Floor Plans 14 and 15: Other Relevant Documents see Table 4 (pages 10-14) in the FOA 16
Phase 2: EHB Forms All forms are required except 5C: Other Activities/Locations Form 8 has been revised Form 9 has been added to replace some quantitative data previously provided in the Program Narrative see Table 5 (pages 15-16) in the FOA 17
Program Narrative & Review Criteria Program Narrative = general request for information Review Criteria = details/examples for a thorough response; utilized by the Objective Review Committee to assess the application Need (15 points) Response (20 points) Collaboration (10 points) Evaluative Measures (15 points) Resources/Capabilities (20 points) Governance (10 points) Support Requested (10 points) 18
New Aspects of the Program Narrative Form 9: Need for Assistance Worksheet replaces much of the quantitative data previously requested in the Need Section The Impact Section has been removed and its items have been moved to the Resources/Capabilities Section The items in the Resources/Capabilities Section have been reordered An item about EHR/HIT and meaningful use has been added to the Resources/Capabilities Section An item has been added to the Governance Section for applicants who are Indian tribes or tribal, Indian or urban Indian groups 19
Clinical Performance Measures Standard Clinical Performance Measures: Diabetes Cardiovascular Disease Cancer Prenatal Health* Perinatal Health* Child Health Behavioral Health Oral Health *may be marked “not applicable” if services are provided only via referral and not paid for by the applicant 20
Clinical Performance Measures NEW Clinical Performance Measures: Weight Assessment and Counseling for Children and Adolescents* Adult Weight Screening and Follow-Up* Tobacco Use Assessment* Tobacco Cessation Counseling* Asthma – Pharmacological Therapy* *may be marked “not applicable” for this application only; all grantees will be required to report on these measures in the 2011 Uniform Data System (UDS) Report 21
Clinical Performance Measures REVISED Clinical Performance Measures: Diabetes – revised to capture data on HbA1c levels that are 9%* Child Health – revised to add 2 Hepatitis A shots, 2 or 3 Rotavirus shots, and 2 influenza shots* *The measure forms will include the unrevised version of these measures. If reporting on the revised version, applicants must note this in the Comments field of the measure form. If reporting on the unrevised version, no note is required. All grantees will be required to report on the revised measures in the 2011 UDS Report. 22
Financial Performance Measures Standard Financial Performance Measures: Total Cost per Patient Medical Cost per Medical Visit Change in Net Assets to Expense Ratio* Working Capital to Monthly Expense Ratio* Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio* *may be marked “not applicable” by tribal and public center applicants 23
Performance Measures: General Information Applicants are encouraged to create performance measures specific to their proposed projects (clinical and/or financial measures) by selecting Add Performance Measure in the Other Measures section of the performance measures forms If a previously-defined Other measure is no longer tracked, mark it as Not Applicable and provide a justification in the Comments field Information that will not fit on the performance measures forms should be included in the Evaluative Measures section of the Program Narrative see Appendix B of the FOA 24
Performance Measures: General Information Current grantees applying to continue serving their current service area: All measures will be pre-populated with data submitted in the 2010 UDS Report If pre-populated data is changed, a justification must be provided Provide information on the past year’s progress and future action steps and strategies to be used to achieve each performance measure 25
Budget New applicants must provide a 2 year budget justification; current grantees must provide a 5 year budget justification Provide sufficient information in the budget justification to show that costs are reasonable and necessary for implementation of the proposed project The budget justification should include a line-item budget and any narrative required to explain costs Section C of the SF-424A is now required see Appendix C of the FOA 26
Important Facts Applications may not exceed 150 pages or 20 MB (see Tables 2-5 (pages 8-16) in the SAC FOA for items included in the page limit) Submit single-spaced narrative documents with 12 point, easily readable font (e.g., Times New Roman, Ariel, Courier) and 1-inch margins Failure to include all required documents may result in an application being considered incomplete or non- compliant 27
Technical Assistance Contacts SAC TA page: Program Related Questions Cheri Daly: or Budget Related Questions Donna Marx: or Related Questions or EHB Related Questions HRSA Call Center for questions about EHB accounts and access: or BPHC Helpline for questions about completing forms in EHB: or 28
Question & Answer Session 29 Reminder: Throughout the application process, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the SAC TA page (