Fermilab Director Search Information and Input at
Search Committee Members Chair Neal Lane, Rice Dept. of Physics and Astronomy (Former NSF Director, Former Presidential Science Advisor) U.S. High Energy Physics (HEP) Community Keith Baker, Hampton U. and Thomas Jefferson Lab (member of ATLAS collab. at LHC/CERN) Alex Chao, SLAC (Accel. Theory) Young-kee Kim, U. of Chicago. (Co-spokesperson CDF collab. at FNAL, 06/04) Frank Sciulli, Columbia (FNAL Board of Overseers (BoO)) Maury Tigner, Cornell (Director, Newman Lab for Elementary- Particle Physics) Chris White, IIT (past-Chair, FNAL Users Executive Comm.) Stan Wojcicki, Stanford (Co-spokesperson NuMI collab. at FNAL, former HEPAP Chair)
Search Committee Members (cont.) Astrophysics Sandra Faber, UCSC (FNAL BoO) (Astronomy/Astrophys.) Institutional Manager Mark Bregman, Exec.Vice Pres.Veritas (software co.) (HEP Ph.D.) (FNAL BoO) International HEP Community Franco Bedeschi, INFN-Sezioni di Pisa (member of CDF collab.) Taka Kondo, KEK - Japanese Nat. Lab for HEP (ATLAS collab. at LHC/CERN) Outside of HEP & Laboratories Steven Beering, President Emeritus, Purdue Univ., (Member Nat. Science Board, current URA Trustee)
Search Committee Members (cont.) Fermilab Roger Dixon, Accelerator Div. Head Joe Lykken, Theoretical Physics Dept. (particle cosmology/string theory) Bob Kephart, Technical Div. Head Patricia McBride, Expt’l. Physicist in Computing Div. John Womersley, Co-spokesperson DZero collab. at FNAL
Search Committee Charge The Board of Overseers of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory requests the Committee to engage in a broad search for the best qualified individual to lead Fermilab as its Director for a term of five years, with the possibility of extension for a mutually agreed time. In carrying out this task, the Committee should give careful consideration to the expected research agenda and needs of high energy physics and related disciplines during the first decade of the 21st century and beyond, with due attention to future possible major facility initiatives at Fermilab and elsewhere. The Committee is requested to submit to the Board of Overseers a report on the search, and the names of at least three such potential Directors, no later than Monday, September 27, 2004.
Search Committee Charge (cont.) Search Process: Fermilab is an international user facility, and the Committee should therefore seek input from a broad cross-section of the relevant sectors of the scientific community, including but not limited to high energy physics and astrophysics. As part of that process, the Committee should consult closely with representatives of the Fermilab staff, with current users of Fermilab facilities, and with current and former directors of Fermilab. In order to encourage the availability of potential candidates, the Committee must maintain confidentiality regarding the identity of the candidates throughout the search process. The Committee is encouraged to seek candidates who meet the criteria for Director and are from demographic groups (e.g. women and minorities) which remain under-represented in the relevant scientific disciplines.
Criteria for Director Candidates: Demonstration of visionary leadership, strategic thinking and planning, and demonstrated capability in building consensus, domestically and internationally; Disciplinary expertise and international reputation in high energy physicsand/or related fields (e.g. accelerator physics and engineering, nuclear physics,astrophysics); High level of management skills and successful management experience, including financial and personnel management, particularly in national laboratories and/or in universities; Search Committee Charge (cont.)
Criteria for Director Candidates (cont.) An understanding, appreciation, and acceptance of the Laboratory Director’s responsibilities for the concomitant stewardship functions (e.g., environment, safety and health; security, physical infrastructure) that attach to management and operation of a large, government-owned, contractor-operated site and research facility such as Fermilab; Excellent human relations and communications skills that would indicate success in dealing with Laboratory stakeholders (e.g. universities and Universities Research Association, Fermilab staff and users, state and local communities and governments, the broad international scientific community, the Department of Energy and other sponsoring agencies, and Congress); Dedication to regular communications with cognizant representatives of the Department of Energy and other sponsoring agencies, and with the governing boards and officers of Universities Research Association. Search Committee Charge (cont.)
Contents of Report of the Search Committee: Brief summary of the search process, including identification of groups and individuals consulted during the search process; Factors considered by the Committee in formulating its recommendations, including how it weighed the criteria used; The names of at least three individuals whom the Committee recommends to the Fermilab Board of Overseers as suitable for appointment as Director, together with the Committee's reasons for their recommendation; Any other information the Committee believes relevant and important. Search Committee Charge (cont.)
Search Input Channels Comments submitted at Responses to APS division announcements and classified ads in CERN Courier, Physics Today, Science April Search Committee Interviews at Fermilab with 54 members of Lab community, incl. present and two past Lab Directors Responses to Search Committee Chair’s Letters to Selected Individuals in the International Scientific Community, and to the VPs for Research at all 90 URA Member Universities Individual Contacts with Search Committee Members
Current Status of Search Search Committee deliberating over list of potential candidates Committee seeking additional information on qualifications of potential candidates Information and Input at next meeting July 6-7