ASU & Pandemic Planning A Call to Action for the Entire ASU Community
What is Pandemic Flu? This is a novel strain of flu that the human race has not been exposed to and therefore not built up defenses against. The World Health Organization, the US Center for Disease Control, and other health organizations have stated that a Pandemic is “likely” or “probable” and have also used the word “inevitable”.
A Perspective Flu Was a brand new strain of Flu developed from birds 2% Death rate Total Mortality million worldwide Comparable “excess” mortality in US alone in 2006 numbers would be 1,750,000 deaths Killed the healthy young adults not just the old and weak “THIS IS NOT JUST REGULAR FLU”
The Avian Flu (H5N1) Flu It is a novel strain that the majority of the human population has not seen before; Currently found in birds Has a mortality rate of 60% Has not yet made the jump to being able to pass from human to human efficiently. Few isolated outbreaks in small areas that have been well contained (Asia and Egypt) Recently has been found in higher level birds like swans and in some bovines in England.
Current Status of Pandemic Influenza The World Health Organization describes 6 stages of a Pandemic
Be prepared to activate the university’s crisis management plan for pandemic influenza, which links the university’s incident command system with the local and/or State health department/ emergency management system’s incident command system(s) (We have developed a high-level plan and are working at coordinating our Pandemic efforts with our state and county officials. We will test this plan in April in our Decision Theater exercise.) Advice from HHS Pandemic Flu Website for Colleges/Universities
ASU Pandemic Planning Group Co-Chairs- Allan Markus and Leon Igras Medical/Scientific Subcommittee- Chair Karen Kibler Human Resource Subcommittee- Chair Janet Russell Communications Subcommittee- Chair Leah Hardesty Safety/Security/Housing Subcommittee- Chair Jim Gibbs Research Subcommittee- Co-Chairs Kathleen Matt and Steven Goodnick Academic Subcommittee- Chair Judy Grace
Academic Subcommittee Former Chair- Gail Hackett Current Chair- Judy Grace Roberta Shores Marc Van Horne Robert Atkinson Elsie Moore Thomas Schildgen Megan Jehn
Link to the ASU Pandemic Website This site has an executive summary of the full Emergency Operations Plan Information for preparation for the entire ASU community
Some students, particularly international students, may not be able to rapidly relocate during a pandemic and may need to remain on campus for some period. (This may include out of state students who may or may not be able to travel due to restrictions) They would continue to need essential services from the college/university during that time. (Including housing, food, basic health services) Advice from HHS Pandemic Flu Website for Colleges/Universities
Dismissing students for up to 12 weeks will have educational implications. (Will also affect faculty members who have children when local schools are closed) Planning now for a prolonged period of student dismissal will help colleges and universities to plan for alternate ways to provide continued instruction and services for students and staff. Provide lessons and other services to off-campus students via Internet or other technologies. (One method to keep the University going, the Academic Subcommittee of the Pandemic Planning Group is looking into these) Advice from HHS Pandemic Flu Website for Colleges/Universities
Continued instruction is not only important for maintaining learning but also serves as a strategy to reduce boredom and engage students in a constructive activity while group classes are cancelled. These preparedness efforts will be beneficial to your school, staff, students, and the community, regardless of the severity of the pandemic. (Keep in mind Hurricane Katrina as an example) Advice from HHS Pandemic Flu Website for Colleges/Universities
What Can You Do Now? Go to the ASU Pandemic Website and learn how to prepare yourself and your students. Store cold/flu medicines enough for 3-4 weeks Sign up for Direct Deposit of Pay Get a flu shot Learn the sneeze salute Learn about the risk of Pandemic Flu before traveling to areas where it has been reported Indonesia, Vietnam, Pakistan, Egypt
What Can You do Now? Sign up to be a Medical Volunteer to assist students during the Pandemic with working with our medical staff. Send an to or Think about how one could use current resources such as Blackboard to continue to keep our University running in a time of Pandemic. Congratulations to Dean Patterson and the Morrison School