Poznan 19 April Kwietnia 2005 Poznan FP6 The Next Calls for 2005 Technology Platforms FP7
Poznan 19 April 2005 Research Funding Programmes from the European Union FP6 Overview ( )
Poznan 19 April 2005 Presentation Overview The European Research Programmes Overview of the Framework Programme 6 Instruments Proposal Status - Procedure
Poznan 19 April 2005 European Research Area (ERA) This is a general concept proposed by the Commission and endorsed by the European Parliament and Council to overcome the present fragmentation of Europe efforts in the area of research and innovation. The concept comprises: organising co-operation at different levels, co-ordinating national or European policies, networking teams and increasing the mobility of individuals and ideas.
Poznan 19 April 2005 Framework Programme Since 1984, research and innovation activities of the EU are grouped in one big programme, the Framework Programme. Framework Programmes are conceived for a period of 4 years. The Sixth Framework Programme is the European Community Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration FP6 is the main instrument of the European Communities for the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA).
Poznan 19 April 2005 Overview FP 6 Specific Programme "Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area" Specific Programme “Structuring the European Research Area” Block 1 & 3 Block 2 Structure of FP6 and relationships of the two Specific Programmes to the activities and actions
Poznan 19 April 2005 Citizens and governance in knowledge-based society Food quality and safety Nanotechnologies and nanosciences. Knowledge-based functional materials, new production processes and devices Information technologies Development of research / innovation policies Co-ordination of research activities Science and society Research infrastructures Human resources & mobility (Marie Curie actions) Research and Innovation Block 3: Strengthening the foundations of ERA Block 2: Structuring the ERA Specific international co-operation activities (INCO) Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems Specific research activities for SMEs Aeronautics and space New and emerging science and technologies (NEST) Research for policy support Life, sciences, genomics and biotechnology Specific activities Covering a Wider Field of Research 7 Priority Thematic Areas Block 1: Focusing and Integrating European Research Overview FP 6
Poznan 19 April 2005 Co-operative research projects are projects whereby a number of Small or Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) assign scientific and technological research activities to RTD performers (e.g. to research centres or universities). These activities may also be carried out by innovative and high-tech SMEs in co-operation with research centres and universities. The SMEs retain ownership of the results. Continuing Instrument Co-operative Research (CRAFT)
Poznan 19 April 2005 Collective Research They are carried out by RTD performers (research institutes, universities etc.) on behalf of business associations or industry groupings in order to expand the knowledge base of large communities of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Ownership and exploitation of the results lie with the industrial associations. Continuing Instruments
Poznan 19 April 2005 STREPs are multi partner research or demonstration projects with the purpose of supporting research, technological development and demonstration activities. They are projects of a more limited scope and ambition than Integrated Projects (IPs). The Community contribution is paid as a grant to the budget (percentage of total costs of the project). STREPs are used in implementing the priority thematic areas, in other areas supporting Community policies and anticipating scientific and technological needs, in specific international co-operation research activities, and in research activities developing harmonious relations between science and society Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) - Shared-cost research projects or Demonstration projects from FP5 New Instruments
Poznan 19 April 2005 They are intended to promote and support the networking and coordination of research and innovation activities. They will cover: the definition, organisation and management of joint or common initiatives organisation of conferences and meetings, the performance of studies, exchange of personnel, the exchange and dissemination of good practices, setting up common information systems and expert groups. Coordination Action (CA) – Concerted actions and Thematic Networks in FP5 New Instruments
Poznan 19 April 2005 SSA are an instrument of FP6 aiming to contribute actively to the implementation of activities of the work programme, the analysis and dissemination of results or the preparation of future activities. Specific Support Actions (SSA) - Accompanying Measures from V FP conferences, seminars, studies and analysis, working and expert groups, operational support and dissemination of information and communication, or combinations thereof. SSA can include: The activities of a specific support action will be supported through a grant to the budget of up to 100% of the budget. New Instruments
Poznan 19 April 2005 Integrated Projects (IP) are one of the new instruments of FP6. An IP is a trans-national multi-partner project with the main aim to generate knowledge in the priority thematic areas of FP6. Integrated projects have to include research and technological development activities and can in addition have demonstration, training and innovation-related activities. Integrated Projects (IP) New Instruments
Poznan 19 April 2005 Network of Excellences are an instrument to overcome the fragmentation of the European research landscape with the objective to strengthen European excellence in a given area. Their purpose is to reach a durable restructuring/shaping and integration of efforts and institutions or part of institutions (laboratories, departments, units, teams …) in areas where this is necessary. Networks of excellence (NoE) New Instruments
Poznan 19 April 2005 < 0,3 0,5-1, , and more 1 step 311-2SSA Depends on the Call 3 or more 2CA 2 steps IAG, 2 SME, 2 RTD 2-3Collective 1 step 9 3 SME, 2 RTD 1-2CRAFT 1 step 6-10 Depends on the Call 3 or more 2-3STREP 2 steps Up to IP 2 steps 5-10 and more 6 – up to /7NoEApplication Budget (in Mio. €/Project) Normal consortium Minimum Consortium Duration (in years) Instrument Instruments characteristics
Poznan 19 April % 100% 100%---SSA 100%100%--CA -100%- 50% / 100% 50% / 100%Collective --- CRAFT -- 35% / 100% 50% / 100% 50% / 100%STREP -100% 35% / 100% 50% / 100% IP 100%---NoEBudgetManagementTraining Demon- stration Research/ Innovation Instrume nt Funding Instruments/Activities
Poznan 19 April 2005 From the idea to a Proposal To find the correct call To set up a consortium Innovative Idea Proposal writing & submission to the EC
Poznan 19 April 2005 Focusing and Integrating ERA13345 Pr 1 genomics and biotech for health 2255 Pr 1 genomics and biotech for health 2255 Pr 2 information society technologies 3625 Pr 2 information society technologies 3625 Pr 3 nanotech, intelligent mat, production 1300 Pr 3 nanotech, intelligent mat, production 1300 Pr 4 aeronautics and space 1075 Pr 4 aeronautics and space 1075 Pr 5 food safety and health risks 685 Pr 5 food safety and health risks 685 Pr 6 sustainable dev & global change 2120 Pr 6 sustainable dev & global change 2120 Pr 7 citizens and governance 225 Pr 7 citizens and governance 225 Pr 8 anticipating needs (INCO, CRAFT, JRC, etc) 2080 Pr 8 anticipating needs (INCO, CRAFT, JRC, etc) 2080 Structuring the ERA 2605 research & innovation, human resources, infrastructures, science & society Strengthening the Foundations of ERA 320 coordination of activities, development of policies TOTAL (Millions €) FP6 Budget 2002 – 2006 (excluding Euratom) 16270