A different European rhetoric For the MDGs ➜ “The EU is the leading global donor and as such contributes towards the UN's 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), to be achieved between 2000 and 2015.” ( For the SDGs ➜ “Horizon 2020 – the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation is expected to contribute at least 60% of its agreed budget of EUR 77 billion to sustainable development, and 35% to climate action and is fully open to the participation of researchers from developing countries.” Research for sustainable development is getting mainstream Europe from merely a donor to a research partner
Some efforts needed in Europe Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries 10.7 Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people… Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns 12.2 By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Europe receives fast increasing numbers of refugees in Need to include the refugees with academic background in higher education or academic work BUT should not be at the expense of cooperation with African partners The increased number of refugees
Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ H2020: Societal challenges (Research projects) –Health, demographic change and wellbeing; –Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research, and the Bioeconomy; –Secure, clean and efficient energy; –Smart, green and integrated transport; –Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials; –Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies; –Secure societies - protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens. H2020: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (PhD and staff mobility) Erasmus+: Global mobility (Staff and student exchange, international credit mobility) Erasmus+: Capacity Building (Capacity building projects in partner countries)
Future Earth will build and connect global knowledge to intensify the impact of research for sustainable development Supported by Cornell, S., Berkhout, F., Tuinstra, W., Tàbara, J. D., Jäger, J., Chabay, I., de Wit, B., Langlais, R., Mills, D., Moll, P., Otto, I. M., Petersen, A., Pohl, C., Kerkhoff, L. van, Opening up knowledge systems for better responses to global environmental change, Environmental Science & Policy vol : Opening up knowledge systems for better responses to global environmental change co-design and co- production of relevant knowledge
The Sharing Culture Creative commons for licencing Open Source for programming Open Access publications Open Educational Resources Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Open Data from publicly funded research
Open science and education Open Source programming: The Health Information Systems Project - DHIS-2 3 priority axes Content: Develop MOOC programmes for Bachelor, Master and PhD + continuing education Utilisation: Train African university staff in use of technology incl. MOOCs Access: Give students access to courses through internet or university intranet A blended learning experience Source: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Open data «The value of data lies in their use. Full and open access to scientific data should be adopted as the international norm for the exchange of scientific data derived from publicly funded research.”OECD 2007 Example: CHET: African flagship universities
“Rather than gadgets, investments should be made on building sustainable infrastructures and improving bandwidth.” Donald Clark at the EAIE conference 2015 What special investments do Africa need in the area of technology? Do you agree?
Share your best practice and new ideas for a better world Propose with international colleagues Deadline: 3 Nov 2015 You can apply for travel support Contribute to the EAIE conference speaker.html