It’s Time for Timeline Saturday, January 14, 2012
Huh? Timeline’s new ‘cover photo’ Profile shot
Agenda The Presentation Intro to Timeline Why, Why, Why? Change What's What & Terminology Timeline Cover Photos Facebook - Free? Ulterior Motive Breaking Down Timeline View Your Timeline As... Friends & Fakes Change Privacy Settings 101 Subscribers Games Scams Account Settings The Ads! More Privacy Settings Wrap-up
Today’s Presentation The presentation is a mix of slides, videos & live demo. The slides & links to the videos are online at for you to use as a reference guide. We’ll cover what we can, but please know we will not be able to cover everything. We are going to flip quickly through some of the slides so we have time for live demo and Q & A at the end. So get ready... Here we go...
What Does It Do?
Why, Why, Why ? In order to stay fresh, Facebook believes it needs to change up the user experience on a regular basis
Why, Why, Why ? Facebook wants to avoid following the paths of MySpace, Friendster and other once popular social media websites
And Facebook wants to stay ahead of competition like Twitter and Why, Why, Why ?
I Hate Change!
What’s What Over the years, different parts of Facebook have been called different things. Let’s review the current terminology...
Newsfeed Click “Home” on the upper right to see streaming posts from your friends, subscriptions and pages that you liked. This is different than your “Timeline”, which used to be your “Wall”.
Newsfeed Posts from your friends and pages that you like will appear on this wall. ONLY YOU can see this page. If you see something you would like for YOUR friends to see, click SHARE and it will appear on your Timeline.
Wall, er, Profile When something is posted on your Timeline, they used to be talking about your Profile. Now your profile has become...
Your Timeline (top part)
Your Timeline (second part)
Creative Timeline Cover Photos
How can Facebook be FREE… …when Facebook’s annual expenses exceed $1 BILLION??? Facebook makes money selling targeted ads, based on what YOU and your FRIENDS put on Facebook.
How can Facebook be FREE? Facebook’s projected revenue for 2011 is $3.8 BILLION
Surely there’s an Ulterior Motive? If you put up something about snowboarding or you ‘liked’ a post about cooking, or if you ‘like’ Pages about a certain musical band... You will start seeing ads related to those topics, so be careful what you ‘like’.
You aren’t the customer; you’re the Product!
So Let’s Start a Demo…
Friend Requests, Messages & Notifications
Search Box
Link Back to Your Timeline
Facebook Settings
The Ads!
Profile Photo
Basic Info
Facebook Timeline Components
Update Your Personal Info
Your Activity Only You Can See It
View Your Timeline As
View Your Timeline As Public
View Your Timeline As Friend
View A Friend’s Timeline
Accepting Friend Requests You can click “Confirm” or “Not Now”. WARNING: Just by sending a friend request, that person will now receive your posts and be able to view your Timeline.
Finding friends via address: Don’t want to be friends with the world? Don’t use this option. EVER. You can create “Lists” of categories of friends, interests or places.
Adding your profile shot A headshot is recommended, but any jpeg will do. You can crop a photo once it’s uploaded, or tell it to fit.
Adding Friends Who you have in common. Look for personal connections, not public persons.
Sample of a ‘Fake Profile’ It is against Facebook’s Terms of Service (TOS) to use a fake name or a business name in a personal profile. Facebook will, without warning, deny you access and then delete this profile.
Cleveland’s ‘Snake Rock’ booted
Remember….. In Facebook, the only constant…. is Change!
Privacy Settings 101
Privacy Settings 101 This is how much of Zippy’s personal information is revealed to the public with current settings: Continued…
Privacy Settings 101 This is how much of Zippy’s personal information is revealed to the public with current settings:
Privacy Settings 101 This is how much of Zippy’s personal information is revealed to FRIENDS
Privacy Settings 101 This is how much of Zippy’s personal information is revealed to FRIENDS
Privacy Settings 101 This is how much of Zippy’s personal information is revealed to HERSELF ONLY
Privacy Settings 101 This is how much of Zippy’s personal information is revealed to HERSELF ONLY Recommend this information not be entered
Facebook Password DO BEE sure it’s not one you share with and financial websites DO BEE sure it is at least 8 digits long DO BEE sure it has at least: 1.ONE CAPITAL LETTER lower case letter 3.At least 1 numeric value 4.And perhaps a symbol #
Games You have many options to use with each post that appears on your wall.
Timeline-related scams January 4, 2012: We have found 16 Timeline-related scam pages, which have collectively gained more than 71,000 likes. The largest, with nearly 19,000 likes, has been around for at least two weeks. These pages are among the top search results when searching Facebook for “timeline.”
Timeline-related scams
Featured story Story will be highlighted on Timeline and be 2 columns wide.
Settings On the upper right hand side of your page, you’ll find this drop-down:
General Account Settings
Setting your personal URL: Facebook will take a standard URL (what your subscriber number is, in this case Zippy is the 1 BILLIONTH + person to sign up) #!/profile.php?id= By verifying your account with a mobile phone, you can customize the url:
General Account Settings Notifications Messages Friend requests
General Account Settings
General Account Settings - Apps Looks fairly innocent, eh? Well, see what kind of information Apps require you to agree to share - often with 3 rd party marketing companies:
General Account Settings - Apps Not so innocent, right?
General Account Settings - Apps Whenever you authorize an app, you are most likely compromising the privacy of every person to whom you are connected in Facebook. Use your noggin Before you ‘opt- in’!
General Account Settings - Apps Finally, should you decide to ‘opt-in’ to an app (Facebook apps are generally safer than 3 rd party apps) please consider setting some parameters as to who sees your activity with that app:
General Account Settings - Apps If you click a “Custom” setting, there are many limiting options available to you:
Facebook Ads Here’s where you need to be alert - especially if you don’t want to see your picture used in advertisements that appear on other people’s timelines.
Facebook Ads Ads shown by third parties: Facebook does not give third party applications or ad networks the right to use your name or picture in ads. If we allow this in the future, the setting you choose will determine how your information is used. You may see social context on third party sites, including in ads, through Facebook social plugins. Although social plugins enable you to have a social experience on a third party site, Facebook does not share your information with the third party sites hosting the social plugins. Learn more about social plugins Edit third party ad settings
Facebook Ads Ads and friends Everyone wants to know what their friends like. That's why we pair ads and friends—an easy way to find products and services you're interested in, based on what your friends share and like. Learn more about social ads Here are the facts: Social ads show an advertiser's message alongside actions you have taken, such as liking a Page Your privacy settings apply to social ads We don't sell your information to advertisers Only confirmed friends can see your actions alongside an ad If a photo is used, it is your profile photo and not from your photo albums Edit social ads setting
Facebook Ads Ads and friends Everyone wants to know what their friends like. That's why we pair ads and friends—an easy way to find products and services you're interested in, based on what your friends share and like. Learn more about social ads Here are the facts: Social ads show an advertiser's message alongside actions you have taken, such as liking a Page Your privacy settings apply to social ads We don't sell your information to advertisers Only confirmed friends can see your actions alongside an ad If a photo is used, it is your profile photo and not from your photo albums Edit social ads settingEdit social ads setting CLICK…
Facebook Ads Select And Save
Privacy Settings The Best Facebook Privacy Settings YouTube Quickie resource:
Privacy Settings
Who We Are... Jim Evans Jim has been involved in technology & computers for 30+ years and has written and presented on technology around the country. He maintains a tech page at
Who We Are... Susie Sharp Susie manages a Cleveland area commercial architectural firm. In her spare time she lectures on LinkedIn, advises small startups and posts as an administrator on 20+ Facebook Business Pages.