Geographic Information Systems Application for Intelligent Transportation Systems SERDAL TERZİ
Geographic Information Systems Geographic information is produced on the basis of geographic data. Geographic information system physical features of the earth based on the use of transferred to the computer. Geographic information system is analyzes, stores and displays spatial and non-spatial data.
Geographic information system Geographic information system is a computer system for capturing, storing, checking and displaying data related to positions on Earth’s surface.
Geographic Information Systems There are five major components of geographic information systems: GIS software data people hardware method
GIS What is not? Software package A map A GPS A magic wand ….
Transportation and GIS Especially in the areas of planning and organization by integration with computing applications for places can be developed such as intelligent transportation systems, and navigation systems. GIS is used in transportation systems management about planning and administration. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) provide an enhanced environment for spatial data processing. GIS is used modelling and monitoring of the flight route, noise modelling GIS uses intelligent transportation systems to reduce traffic congestion.
Geographic Information System and Intelligent Transportation System GEOGRAPHıC ıNFORMATıON SYSTEM 1.Hardware 2.Software 3.Data 4.People 5.Method INTELLıGENT TRANSPORTATıON SYSTEM 1.Data 2.Communication 3.Check Technology
Intelligent Transportation System Applications used on CBS 1.Advanced Traffic Information Map 2.Mobile Data Systems 3.Online Intersection Control System 4.Event Management System 5.Advanced Traveler Information System 6.Advanced Public Transportation System
Advanced Traffic Information Map Traffic are constantly monitored with traffic cameras. This traffic data are process, merge and conversion to traffic maps Informing the driver about the traffic situation before and during the trip the instantaneous trip more efficient use of existing road network it is intended to.
Mobile Data Systems Mobile data is the use of wireless data communications using radio waves to send and receive real time computer data to, from and between devices used by field based personnel. These devices can be fitted solely for use while in the vehicle (Fixed Data Terminal) or for use in and out of the vehicle (Mobile Data Terminal).
Online Intersection Control System Intelligent intersection control reduces vehicle wait times, improving traffi c fl ow and efficiency, reducing CO2 emissions, and enhancing the safety and mobility of more vulnerable road users. Intelligent instersection can be changed signal time and when failures are identified.
Event Management Systems Event management systems set to arrival of an ambulance in a car accident and remove the obstacles that prevent the flow of traffic.
Advanced Traveler Information Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) is any system that acquires, analyzes, and presents information to assist surface transportation travellers in moving from a starting location (origin) to their desired destination. Relevant information may include locations of incidents, weather and road conditions, optimal routes, recommended speeds, and lane restrictions, all part of the Intelligent transportation system or ITS.
Advanced Public Transportation System Monitoring vehicle locations in real time support by a transport company owned vehicle fleet management systems. The goal of demand management is to maximize the capacity of the current transportation network in order to meet the increase in the demand for transportation services. The information allows travelers to choose the most efficient and convenient modes of travel.
Akıllı Servis Araçları Konseptinin Oluşturulması ve Ulaşım Sistemindeki Türel Değişim (Modal Shift) Üzerine Olan Yararlı Etkilerinin Tahmini: Pilot Bir Bölge Üzerindeki Bilgisayar Modellemesi TUBİTAK PROJE NO: 112M019 PROF. DR. BANIHAN GÜNAY PROF. DR. SERDAL TERZİ ARŞ. GÖR. KADIR AKGÖL
In this project, a new concept of dynamic and flexible public transport service which works on the reservation basis with minimum travel times was developed. The concept is called Intelligent Subscription Commuter Service (briefly the A- Service). In order to model the usability of the system for the purpose of determining the actual travel times and locations of those who commute to Akdeniz University campus Modeling the travel characteristics of each participant, travel maps with time dimension were formed. These maps were then used as a platform to determine transport demands to the campus.
DIRECTIVE 2010/40/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL 2010/40/EU Directives The increase in the volume of road transport in the Union associated with the growth of the European economy and mobility requirements of citizens is the primary cause of increasing congestion of road infrastructure and rising energy consumption, as well as a source of environmental and social problems.
DIRECTIVE 2010/40/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL Priority areas 1.For the purpose of this Directive the following shall constitute priority areas for the development and use of specifications and standards: I. Optimal use of road, traffic and travel data, II. Continuity of traffic and freight management ITS services, III. ITS road safety and security applications, IV. Linking the vehicle with the transport infrastructure.
Sonuç Intelligent Transportation Systems is used for many applications in geographical information systems. In recent years, this system is used Internet-based and real-time and intelligent transportation systems provide a more efficient service. In the last ten years, with advances in mobile communication technology, smart phones via geographic information systems using intelligent transportation systems applications has been began to be seen, and can be expected to soon become more widespread. Especially among the European Union countries, the development of applications for intelligent transportation systems joint common map and database use is required.
Thank you for patience Prof.Dr. Serdal Terzi Suleyman Demirel University Engineering Faculty Civil Engineering Department Isparta