Senator Gary Winfield, Co-Chair Housing Committee State of Connecticut Department of Housing Connecticut Housing Finance Authority U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Wall Street Place will recreate the "uptown" part of the urban fabric that was once the heart of the Norwalk. Phase I will contain 21 residential units for households earning up to 60% of AMI and 15 units for households earning up to 50% of AMI. The approved development plans also include 850 parking spaces, and approximately 60,000 square feet of commercial and retail space. 5 SOURCES OF FUNDS 9% Federal LIHTC net proceeds $ 8,640,140 Deferred Developer Fee $ 495,660 Private Bank Loan (Citi Bank) $ 3,430,000 DOH Affordable Hsg Program- Flex $ 3,500,000 TOTAL $ 16,068,800
24 Colony Street will be a 4-story mixed-use and mixed-income apartment/commercial complex in a newly created "Transit Oriented District“ in downtown Meriden. A new intermodal transportation center will be built across the street by CT DOT, the first such development on the New Haven/Springfield commuter rail line. This development will consist of 63 residential apartments, first floor commercial space and parking. CT DOT will fund an integrated parking garage with 273 additional spaces for residents, commuters and general use. 6 SOURCES OF FUNDS 9% Federal LIHTC net proceeds $ 12,740,000 Deferred Developer Fee $ 297,000 Other (Energy Rebates) $ 158,000 CHFA ITA Funds $ 3,670,000 DOH Affordable Hsg Program- Flex $ 6,000,000 TOTAL $ 22,865,000
Nelton Court is a new 80 unit construction in the North End of Hartford. The project will include green buffers along with a community center. 7 SOURCES OF FUNDS HUD Replacement Factor Funding $ 17,294,340 HUD PH Capital Fund Program Grants $ 2,735,000 Other (CL&P Energy Rebates) $ 250,000 Economic Development Initiative Grant $ 500,000 HUD Capital Funds Financing Program $ 5,900,000 DECD Brownfield Grant $ 250,000 TOTAL $ 27,179,340
89 Cooper Avenue is located one block from the beach and adjacent to a marsh. The property was heavily damaged during Superstorm Sandy in The entire street was under several feet of salt water and sustained approximately 60% damage. 8 SOURCES OF FUNDS Bank Escrow (Insurance Proceeds) $ 80,232 FEMA Increased Cost of Compliance Funds $ 30,000 DOH CDBG-DR $ 207,612 TOTAL $ 317,844 Before Construction Underway
Crescent Crossings, LLC, in collaboration with The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport will create 93 new affordable apartments in eight buildings on the east side of the city on the former Father Panik Village site, within walking distance of bus routes, grocery stores, a proposed train station, and other retail/commercial activities and services. This development represents the first phase of housing designed to replace the storm-damaged, uninhabitable homes at Marina Village and will serve as a catalyst for revitalizing the neighborhood. 9 SOURCES OF FUNDS 4% Federal LIHTC net proceeds $ 13,416,228 DOH/HUD HOME Funds $ 5,000,000 DOH/HUD CDBG-DR Funds $ 6,975,000 Developer/Investor Cash Equity $ 500,000 Deferred Developer Fee $ 598,297 Other (CHFA FAF Funds) $ 4,100,000 Other (City of Bridgeport CDBG Funds) $ 500,000 Other (CHFA/Citybank Loan)$ 3,000,000 TOTAL $ 34,089,525
The Ribicoff Cottages redevelopment includes the demolition of 100 obsolete and distressed public housing units and the new construction of 100 units of mixed-income housing, on the site of the former Ribicoff Cottages and Ribicoff Cottages Extension in the West Rock neighborhood. The redevelopment will occur in two phases. This 9% LIHTC phase includes 55 units. 34 units will be replacement housing for existing senior/disabled residents that will include supportive services. All dwelling units shall conform to the requirements of the Energy Star Program. 10 SOURCES OF FUNDS 9% Federal LIHTC net proceeds $ 1,200,000 HUD Moving to Work Funds $ 5,100,000 Tax Credit Equity $ 12,200,000 Private Bank $ 13,700,000 Community Development Trust $ 1,200,000 TOTAL $ 33,400,000
Victory Gardens is a 74- unit affordable rental housing development on the campus of the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) campus is Newington. The development is one of the few housing developments created under the VA`s Enhanced-Use Lease (EUL) program, under which the VA leases properties to housing developers. The development remediated and restored a formerly blighted brownfield site. Victory Gardens is designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding neighborhood and all the buildings will face a common green. 11 SOURCES OF FUNDS 9% Federal LIHTC net proceeds $ 15,473,371 DOH Affordable Hsg Program- Flex $ 5,500,000 Deferred Developer Fee $ 129,997 EUL Capital Contribution $ 2,500,000 FHLB Subsidy $ 30,157 Private Bank Loan (Webster Bank) $ 3,300,000 TOTAL $ 26,933,525 Before After
Sasco Creeks Apartments includes the removal and demolition of 33 existing trailer homes and the construction of 14 buildings containing 54 affordable apartments, a community building and site infrastructure to support the new buildings. There are 29 two-bedroom apartments, 4 three-bedroom apartments, and six one-bedroom permanent supportive apartments. 12 SOURCES OF FUNDS DOH - Second $30 million $ 8,510,000 4% Federal LIHTC net proceeds $ 5,832,637 Other (WHA Sponsor Note) $ 612,100 CHFA TEB Funds $ 6,825,601 TOTAL $ 21,779,737 Before After
Quarry Heights and Quarry Heights Extension is a 70 unit SSHP elderly development within 9 buildings. They are made up of 47 one bedroom units and 23 two bedroom units built in 1975 and 1985, respectively. 13 SOURCES OF FUNDS DOH Affordable Hsg Program- Flex $ 2,520,000 CHFA HASIP Funds $ 31,935 CT Energy Efficiency Funds $ 6,935 TOTAL $ 2,558,870 Exterior work including new asphalt parking lot and walks, siding, windows, roofing, gutters, and exterior doors. Interior renovations to include renovation of common hallways/stairs and unit renovations such as new flooring in kitchens/baths, painting, vanities/faucets/toilets.
14 HUD Recent Initiatives
DOH/CHFA Funding Opportunities The Funding Schedule 15
16 DOH -- New Initiatives
17 CHFA Recent Initiatives
18 State Collaborations