The Use of Nutritional Supplements
Where Can One go to Find information on The Use of Supplements? First make sure to speak with your doctor or pharmacist to ensure what you want is safe (, n.d.). Do not forget about websites like the one sited above. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health has an endless amount of information. This would even include the definition of what a supplement actually is.
It is intended to supplement one’s diet. It has one or more dietary ingredients within it. It is supposed to be taken orally. It is labeled indicating that they are supplements (, n.d.).
One could also use the internet to locate reviews such as the one I located, which was entitled Regulatory alerts for dietary supplements in Canada and the United States, This was used to help educate on the regulatory alerts for certain supplements. Listed what was flagged, why it was flagged, and where it cam from if available (Abe, Hein, & Gregory, 2015).
You also have the USDA website to use. Makes some general information available to you as well as some resources. Also informs you on regulations that may be in place, some reports, as well as warnings. Even a section with herbal information (, n.d.).
Resources Again talk with you doctor or pharmacist Do not for get to use the Internet Some websites include, medical journals or reviewed articles like the one cited earlier or American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy which is located online at to name a few. You can also use those in the industry, people working at GNC, or The Vitamin shop for instance can help.
My Recommendations Remember that they are not meant to replace food. It is all in the name, they supplement the diet Make sure they are labeled for as dietary supplements (, n.d.).
Talk with your doctor in you are on other medication, you never know what can happen when mixing things (, n.d.). Keep in mind that just because you can buy them that does not make them safe, alerts and advisories are always issued. One place to check is with the FDA, this can be done online as I found it at
Precautions to Remember I would ask you to seek counsel from healthcare professionals (, n.d.). Do all you can to stay on top of warnings and alerts that are issued, such was the warning that dietary supplements with silver could cause permanent skin and mucus membrane discoloration (, n.d.). Do not use it to replace food, use it in addition to what you eat (, n.d.).
Please always remember, they are not magic and they are not poison. If you use them to supplement what you are short on whether it be protein or vitamin B12 it can in my opinion help.
Works Cited FAQ: Dietary Supplements, complementary, or Alternative medicines. (n.d.). Retrieved on August 23, 2015, from Dietary and Herbal Supplements. (n.d.). Retrieved on August 23, 2015, from
Abe, A. M., Hein, D. J., & Gregory, P. J. (2015). Regulatory alerts for dietary Dietary Supplements. (n.d.). Retrieved on August 23, 2015, from Safety Alerts and Advisories. (n.d.). Retrieved on August 23, 2015, from AlertsAdvisories/default.htm supplements in Canada and the United States, American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy, 72(11), doi: /ajhp140574