Melissa White REMC Updated for Power Point 2007 by Jan Harding Chippewa Valley Schools Used with permission of the author
In the Design tab, choose the Background group. Click on the arrow next to Background Styles, and choose the picture or texture fill button. Under Insert from: choose file, and select the picture you want to use. Inserting Backgrounds from Digital Pictures
Finding Additional Backgrounds from the Internet has many backgrounds and they are all free! Backgrounds with a jpeg file are the best. This site lists free background sites Presenters University Free birthday templates: owerpoint_template.htm
Slide Transitions Click on the Animations tab and go to the group that says, “Transition to This Slide”. Choose a transition. You can apply a transition between each slide. You can also apply the same transition to all slides at the same time. This is where you choose how to advance by mouse click or automatically with a timing inserted. (if you loop your show you need to choose the automatic timing and choose a timing. Choose a sound if you want sounds between slides.
How to use Custom Animation Under the Animations tab, go to the Animations group and choose the Custom Animation command. Select the text and animation. You can change the order of graphics and text at this screen. You can select timings It has a nice preview option so you an adjust it as you are working. Just click the Play button on the bottom of the animation window.
Running the Show Under Slide Show tab select Set Up group and the Set Up Slide Show command. Select how you would like to run your show. You can loop it continuously You can choose to manually run the show or set timings for each slide. You choose timings under Slide Transition.
Notes Page Under the View tab select notes page Each slide will then have a notes section that only you will see. Type any notes that you want to help you with your presentation. You can also select speaker notes under view and type notes to yourself
The View Tab In the Color/Grayscale group, you can select Black and White to get a gray scale effect for printing or viewing your slides in black and white. You can create templates for future slide shows using the slide master in the Presentation. They allow you to select the font and graphics that you would like to have on every slide. It keeps your slides uniform. Selecting rulers and guide will allow you to center text and graphics using the ruler.
How to use Word Art Click on the tipped A in the Insert tab in the Text group. Click on the A that represents the kind of word art style you would like to use. Notice that you can change color, fill, outline, effects, etc. If you click on your word art, you can use the rotate semicircle at the top to rotate your words. All the formatting tools in the home tab are available for your word art. For example, in the Home Tab, Paragraph Group, your highlighted word art text can change direction using the “Text Direction” command.
How to place a box around your text Create a text box first in the Insert tab using the Text Box command in the text group In the Home tab in the Drawing group, select “Quick Styles” command. Notice the gallery of choices for adding color and outlines to your text box. For a more traditional box, choose the “Shape Outline” command in the Drawing group. You can select the weight and style of the line you would like to have in your text box.
How to Insert Shapes From the Insert tab choose the “Shapes” command To change the shape, color or size, double click on the shape and the Format Tab will appear at the top. All the drawing tool options are available to your shape.
Adding Shadowing to an Object Select an object by clicking on it with the mouse. The Drawing Tools tab will appear above the Format Tab. In the WordArt Styles group, select the “Text Effects” command. You can get really fancy and choose 3D effects. You can also choose different colors for the shadows. Click Shadow Options in the Text Effects menu.
Congratulations! You are all doing a great job and hopefully having fun too. This is an Shape with text typed on top of it. Simply insert a shape, and insert a text box on the shape to type on it.
How to use the Pointer and Pen When you begin your slide show (click the Slide Show tab for options), if you right click on your mouse you will bring up a toolbar with a number of options. You can select a pen and even change the color of the pen You can write on the screen and it is not permanent You can choose to blacken your screen and then write also. You can choose “go” to go to another slide. You can choose meeting notes to write down something to remember later.
How to insert sound Select the Insert tab, Media Clips group. Choose a saved sound file or one from the clip organizer if the sound files have been installed You can play a CD throughout your presentation. You can also include your own narration if you have a sound card and microphone. Use the Record Sound command.
Playing a CD Throughout a Presentation Select the Play CD Audio Track option from the Sound command on the Media Clips group (again, use the Insert tab. Select the Tracks for which you want to Start and End Click OK
Inserting a sound will open up the Sound Tools tab on the Ribbon, which will supply you with options for timing sound volume, etc.
Free Music Files on the Web Edison: Mary had a little lamb Stephen Hawking Taking Tutorials
Making a Sound Play Throughout the Slideshow Insert Sound from file under the Insert Tab With the Sound icon still selected, select Custom Animation from the Animations Tab, Animations group Select the drop down arrow next to your sound file name Choose “Effect Options” and make your choices Click on OK to close this window.
Making a Graphic a Sound Button Select the object so the handlebars are showing Choose the Insert Tab, and go to the Links group. Select the “Action” command. Then select Play Sound. Find sound on “other sound” from a file and click OK When you go to a full screen and click on the object it will play the sound
How To Insert Video Use the Insert tab and the Media Clips group On the Movie command, choose the drop down menu. There you can select “Movies from Clip Organizer” to select animations to place in your Power Point. Or select “Movie from File”. You can then use: Videos from CDs Videos downloaded from web “Homemade” videos on your hard drive
Videos on the Web Altavista Video Search Quicktime Education Imagine the Universe ml SFU Media Index NASA Multimedia Library CNN
Acceptable Video Formats Quicktime (or MoviePlayer) movies Quicktime VR movies MPEG videos Audio Video Interleave (AVI) files Note: All inserted movies are linked to your presentation. If you show your presentation on a different computer, remember to also copy the movie file when you copy the presentation. If you don’t you will just have a picture of the poster frame of the movie.
A Great PowerPoint 2007 Tutorial on the Internet Go to PowerPoint in the Classroom for a wonderful tutorial at: