Desktop Publishing
Using Columns The Columns feature is located on the Page-Layout tab and is used to divide a Word document into two or more columns per page.
Graphics Word 2007 has many graphic features that can be used with desktop publishing including: ◦Pictures ◦Clip Art ◦Shapes ◦Smart Art ◦Charts ◦Word Art
Pictures Pictures from files can be inserted into desktop publishing documents.
Clip Art Word 2007 has several clip arts that can be used in desktop publishing.
Shapes Word has several shapes that can be added to desktop publishing documents.
Smart Art Smart Art is a great tool for illustrating steps in a process or for showing organizational charts.
Charts Charts can be used to illustrate data in desktop publishing documents.
Word Art Word Art is a great way to add color and excitement to your text in desktop publishing documents.
Text Wrapping When pictures or Clip Art is used in desktop publishing, it may be necessary to change the text alignment to fit around the graphic.
Text Wrapping Styles The In line with text style insets the graphic in the text at the location of the insertion point. The graphic moves as you add or delete text. The text does not wrap around the graphic; white space extends to the margins on either side of the graphic. The Square style wraps the text around all sides of a square bounding the graphic. The graphic moves as you add or delete text. The Tight style wraps the text around the graphic in an irregular shape bounding the actual image. The graphic moves as you add or delete text.
Text Wrapping Styles cont. The Behind text style has no border around the graphic. The graphic floats on its own layer behind the text. The Behind text style has no border around the graphic. The graphic floats on its own layer behind the text. The In front of text style has no border around the graphic. The graphic floats on its own layer in front of the text. The Top and Bottom style separates text above and below the graphic.