Erode Antonyms & synonyms
Definition Erode- To diminish or destroy by degrees
Erode antonyms Nurture Promote Encourage Make welcome
Erode Synonyms Bite Corrode Abrade Nibble
The teeth were eroding with cavity’s.
GRAPHIC (Adj.) lifelike, vivid; relating to the pictorial arts.
Lively Colorful Graphic Synonyms Descriptive
DullBoring Graphic Antonyms UnrealisticColorless
I had got this Graphic picture off of Google.
Quibble Define,The general use of such arguments
Entice (V.) to attract, tempt
BeguileLure Turn OnAttract Synonyms
DisgustRepel Dissuade Repulse Antonyms
Sugar is an enticement to kids.
Stifle (v)To smother, prevent from breathing; to hold back or choke off By Christina white
This fake head is being stified.
Synonyms Approver Endores uphold sanction
antonyms cancel annul veto repeal
“Flounder” (v.) To thrash about in a clumsy or ineffective way.
Flounder -Synonyms Struggle Wallow Muddle Waver
Flounder -Antonyms
The waiter is floudering in the busy kitchen.
puny (adj.) of less than normal strength or size; of no importance
UndersidesPint-sized Synonyms Small Weak
RobustBrawny Antonyms Mammoth Gigantic
Kobe is more puny than Shaq.
Regal by; Jada regal
Raniah Unit 9 vocabulary word art Parch{v.} to make dry and thirsty: to shrivel with heat Synonyms; Dry up, dehydrate, desiccate Antonyms; Soak, Drench, saturate, waterlog
Synonms Dryup dehydrate desiccate
Antonyms Waterlog Drench Saturate
Word Art By Christian Jones
Definition for Ordeal (n.)A difficult or painful experience, a trial
Test Trial Hardship Nightmare Synonyms for Ordeal
Pleasure Happin ess Cinch Nice Antonyms for Ordeal
The Climbers were exhausted by the Ordeal.
Gruesome ( Adj.) Horrible, Revolting, Ghastly By: Da’Yanna :)
Gruesome Synonyms Gruesome Synonyms Gory Hideous Grisly Weird
Gruesome There Was A Gruesome Murder In That House.