Vocabulary Strategies


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Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary Strategies TIP Charts Word Art Quirky Comparisons Action! Which One Doesn’t Belong? Instant Etch A Sketch Word Detective Vocabulary Cubes Vocabulary Sorts Tell your table what you’ve tried with vocabulary since our last presentation.

Chapter Six Student Work Sessions: Giving Students Greater Responsibility with Valuable Work

Think about the times you use group work in your class. WHAT WORKS WHAT DOESN’T

Learning Target What will be learning about today? Creating work sessions in which students do more of the talking, problem solving, and creating.

What is a student work session? Increased student control and personal accountability High levels of student engagement Visible demonstration of student thinking A reliance on cooperative learning

Components of a Lesson Student Work Session Thought Provoking Opener Mini Lesson (12 to 15 minutes) Student Work Session

The Mini Lesson Direct instruction No longer than 12-15 minutes Model, explain, and deliver the information students will need to engage in a task for the rest of the period Don’t introduce more than four items

Why Cooperative Learning Sessions Work Students work harder when the group is depending on them Struggling learners benefit from higher-level students Develop new vocabulary Observe thought process and strategies Improve problem-solving skills

Obstacles with Group Work Behavior Problems Students at Different Skill Levels

Effective Work Sessions Important Group Goal Individual Accountability

Strategies for Effective Work Sessions Cooperative Learning Quadrants Jigsaws Leaning Stations Paired Reading Menus

Strategies for Effective Work Sessions COOPERATIVE LEARNING QUADRANTS Each group has a piece of chart paper divided into quarters, and they use the paper to take notes using different roles.

Strategies for Effective Work Sessions JIGSAWS Each student is an expert on one part of the assignment. They are responsible for teaching the group.

Strategies for Effective Work Sessions LEARNING STATIONS Students rotate around the room to different stations(which have different tasks) to learn overall concepts or goal.

Strategies for Effective Work Sessions PAIRED READING Pairs of students take turns acting as the reader and note taker to learn the material.

Strategies for Effective Work Sessions MENUS Assignment with options that let students decide for themselves how they want to demonstrate learning .

Think Time Each person take a sticky note CHOOSE ONE of the following options to write about on your sticky note… Describe your favorite cooperative learning activity that you do in your classroom. Describe an idea you have for incorporating a cooperative learning activity into your classroom. Describe a cooperative learning activity you remember doing as a student, and tell why you liked it so much.

Share With Your Group Group Answer What is the most important thing you learned today that you would like to use in your classroom?

Assigning Groups/Partners Instantclassroom.com

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Strategies for Effective Work Sessions Cooperative Learning Quadrants Jigsaws Leaning Stations Paired Reading Menus

Select a cooperative learning technique or a menu and implement it in an upcoming lesson.