Quality Criteria Meeting in Paderborn Chair of Business and Human Resource Education II Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner EU-StORE: QUALITY CRITERIA MEETING in Paderborn,


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Presentation transcript:

Quality Criteria Meeting in Paderborn Chair of Business and Human Resource Education II Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner EU-StORE: QUALITY CRITERIA MEETING in Paderborn, Germany 1 st - 3 rd of July 2015 The EU-StORe project – The Web-Portal for the rating of OER

The webportal of the database 2

The webportal of the database 3

Let´s have a closer look at the Web-Portal and discuss it! 4

Contact Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner Tel:+49 (0) / Fax:+49 (0) / Jennifer Schneider, M. Sc. Tel:+49 (0) / Fax:+49 (0) / Dipl.-Volksw. Lara Melissa Fortmann Tel:+49 (0) / Fax:+49 (0) / Universität Paderborn Department Wirtschaftspädagogik Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftspädagogik II Warburger Str Paderborn 5