Supporting English Language Learners in Literacy and Content


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Presentation transcript:

Supporting English Language Learners in Literacy and Content 810.629 Thursday, October 1, 2009 6:45-8:45 PM Zolkower-SELL

Outcomes Articulate the role of the teacher in the writing process. By the end of today’s class, you will be able to: Articulate the role of the teacher in the writing process. Identify types of classroom writing performance. Articulate the components of Standards Based Instruction. Identify components of the ESOL Praxis II exam. Zolkower-SELL

Agenda Warm-up Writing in a second language Standards-based instruction Praxis II Zolkower-SELL

Activator: Evaluate a text What type of text is it? What kind of processing did you use to read it (Top-down? Bottom-up?)? Identify examples of one or both types of processing you used? What strategies would you use to teach students to read this kind of text? Zolkower-SELL

Writing as a component of L2 proficiency Composing vs. Writing Similar to decoding vs. reading comprehension. Writing involves thinking, drafting, revising. Unlike speaking, these skills do not necessarily evolve naturally. Zolkower-SELL

Writing as a component of L2 proficiency Process vs. Product Product refers to the final result. Focus on process allows students to develop and understand their own composing process (remember learning strategies?) Writing and rewriting allows students to rehearse, use, and revise English in a written context. Zolkower-SELL

Types of Classroom Writing Performance Imitative (dictation/modeled/shared) writing Intensive/controlled writing Self-writing Display writing (reports/tests) Real writing: academic, vocational/technical, personal Intensive/controlled—practice a particular skill, usually grammatical (like change the tense throughout) Self-writing—dialogue journal (try it with beginners) Display writing—particularly important in the world of stdzd tests and unit tests. Real writing—all authentic (use Edison as example of ESP/EAP, as well as vocational technical) Zolkower-SELL

Characteristics of Written Language Permanence Production Time Distance Orthography Complexity Vocabulary Formality Refer to reading Zolkower-SELL

The role of the teacher in writing instruction Explicitly teach and model the stages of the writing process: Prewriting/brainstorming Drafting Conferencing/revising Proofreading/editing Publishing Zolkower-SELL

The role of the teacher in writing instruction Request information. Ask for clarification Use exemplars and rubrics (what do good writers do?) Consider the cultural and literary background of your students Provide authentic writing tasks. Provide plenty of time for practice and planning. Book—Silva’s studies/recommendations: direct instruction of writing, with familiar contexts and take into account sociocultural and linguistic differences of L2 learners. In other words, be aware of the true content of writing instruction, which is the writing process itself—again direct instruction of skills. Zolkower-SELL

Standards-based Instruction “To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.” Steven Covey The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Zolkower-SELL


Random Acts of Reaching Standards Aim to meet standards Fun activities not aligned to standards. Teacher not familiar with interface of MSDE, RLA, and ESOL Standards. Learning experiences not aligned to indicators. Teacher does not start with end in mind. Lessons emphasize the mastery of specific content not the development of English language. Instruction does not target skills students need to access MCPS curriculum. * What are the barriers to alignment in your organization? Montgomery County Public Schools Summer 2006 * What is your personal responsibility for alignment?

Aligned Acts of Reaching Standards Aim to meet standards Standards-based instruction targets skills students need to access MCPS curriculum. Teacher assesses students’ language learning in an authentic context. Teacher starts with end in mind - Common tasks and other assessments are used as evidence of student learning. Teacher addresses socio-cultural needs and learning style of students. Clear objectives – Aligned with standards & indicators. Lessons emphasize the development of English language, not mastery of specific content. Teach across language skills: Listening, speaking reading, and writing How does alignment contribute to achieving “Performance Excellence?” Montgomery County Public Schools Summer 2006

Zolkower-SELL Maryland Content Standards Enduring Understanding Essential Question District Indicator Mastery Objective Zolkower-SELL

What is a Mastery Objective? A statement related to an indicator that gives in measurable, assessable detail what a student should know and be able to do by the end of the lesson. Zolkower-SELL

Criteria for a Mastery Objective The language of a mastery objective: Is kid-friendly. Is specific in terms of curricular knowledge (declarative or procedural). Names active performance (observable behavior) that demonstrates mastery. Begins with “Students (or you) will be able to...” to indicate the development of capacity, not simply completion of an activity. Includes strong clues about how it will be assessed. May include the level of performance. . Zolkower-SELL

Examples of Mastery Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to compare the different agents of erosion and explain how running water causes erosion. By the end of the lesson, you will be able to solve addition problems using the partial-sum method. By the end of the lesson, you will be able to evaluate a newspaper article for use of persuasive language. Zolkower-SELL

Getting Ready for the Praxis Study topics: Analysis of Student Language Production Linguistic Theory Teaching Methods and Techniques Assessment Techniques and Cultural Issues Professional Issues Zolkower-SELL

Teaching Methods and Techniques Be familiar with: Total Physical Response (TPR) The Natural Approach (Krashen and Terrell) Direct Method vs. the Audiolingual Method Teaching receptive skills vs. productive skills Relationship between instructional methods and theories of second language acquisition Proficiency levels (pre-production, early production, etc.) Zolkower-SELL

Teaching Methods and Techniques What types of instructional activities/strategies might you use with newcomers? What skill or skills would be your focus for advanced students who are almost ready to exit ESOL? What is the connection between native language education and second language acquisition? What would you do differently for students who are literate in their L1 versus those who are not? Zolkower-SELL

Assessment Techniques and Cultural Issues Be familiar with: Standards Performance Assessment Language Assessment Culture and Cultural Bias in standardized testing. Criteria for entry and exit from an ESOL program Culture and its impact on second language acquisition. Appropriate assessments for each of the 4 skills. Zolkower-SELL

For Next Time How would respond to a content/general education teacher who asks: “If we’re both providing standards-based instruction “what do my ESOL students gain from the time they spend with you?” Please write one original comment and respond to three of your classmates no later than October 14. Zolkower-SELL

For October 16 Third journal entry due: How do I align standards based instruction with language instruction for students at lower proficiency level (s)? Zolkower-SELL

Traffic Light Summarizer As a result of our conversations, so far, what are some strategies you might… stop using, continue to use, and/or start to use?