GREEN UTILITIES TRAINING AT COMMUNITY COLLEGES CEWD Mtg August 2009 American Association of Community Colleges The Center for Workforce and Economic Development “American community colleges are the nation’s overlooked asset. As the United States confronts the challenges of globalization, two-year institutions are indispensable to the American Future. They are the Ellis Island of American higher education, the crossroads at which K–12 education meets colleges and universities, and the institutions that give many students the tools to navigate the modern world.” College Board Winning The Skills Race and Strengthening America’s Middle Class (2008)
Wind Technician Preparation Northeast Community College, NE American Association of Community Colleges
Northeast Community College, NE Electrical training stations
One of our partners helped line up this blade that was donated to Northeast Community College by the trucking company that damaged it. We just needed to pay to get it up to Nebraska from Texas—about $10,000 for a $50,000 blade! Tell Robert it’s not much to climb but at 121’, It’s one big honking piece of equipment. Northeast Community College, NE
Wal-Mart Workforce Economic Opportunity Initiative American Association of Community Colleges
NY Water Harbor Project Bronx Community College
Old Way Records room
Old Way Water route pathways
Old Way Maps room
New way: Online records New way: Geospatial mapping
WF Training: Perception vs Pay Quality Testing
WFTraining: Smell and Science Microbial identification and treatment
Workforce Training Labeling and logging
Partnerships EPA DOL CC Industry AACC PETE CBO
American Association of Community Colleges and the AACC Center for Workforce and Economic Development AACC - Building a Nation of Learners by Advancing America's Community Colleges The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) is the primary advocacy organization for the nation’s community colleges. About 1200 college institutional members, 25 corporate program participants and 919 associate members AACC CWED leverages the resources of America’s community colleges to partner with industry and the public workforce system advances the value of community college credentials as essential to workforce and economic development seeks to transform the best practices now evident in a number of community colleges into common practices throughout the community college network focusing on integrated, interactive and results- driven practices. American Association of Community Colleges
Community Colleges in the United States Map available: 1,177 colleges million students. About 90% of all accredited, public, two-year colleges are AACC members. AACC supports its members through advocacy, media outreach, innovative programs, research and information, professional development, and more. American Association of Community Colleges
Flexible: 11.7 Million Total Enrollment American Association of Community Colleges Noncredit Credit Enrolled Part Time Enrolled Full Time 5 Million 6.7 Million 60% 40%
Flexible: Employment Status Employed Full-Time Other 33% 17% 50% Employed Full-Time Other 50% 23% Employed Part-Time 27% Full-Time Students Part-Time Students Employed Part-Time American Association of Community Colleges
Price Point: Average Annual Tuition and Fees Community Colleges (Public) 4-Year Colleges (Public) Source: College Board, American Association of Community Colleges 47% 23% 11% 12% Any aid Federal grants Federal loans State aid
Inclusive: Demographics First Generation to Attend College 39% Single Parents 17% Non-U.S. Citizens 8% American Association of Community Colleges Men Women 42% 58% 21 or younger 40 or older 40% 13% 22–39 47% Average Age: 29
Black Asian/Pacific Islander 16% 7% Hispanic 13% Native American Pie total = 35% 1% Sum of parts does not equal total due to rounding Of total undergrads in higher education: Native American: 52% Asian/Pacific Islander: 45% Black: 43% Hispanic: 52% Inclusive: 36% of Community College Students are Minorities American Association of Community Colleges
Forefront Sectors at the Community Colleges 57% American Association of Community Colleges Health care: 59% of new nurses other new health- care workers are educated at CC Homeland Security: 80% of firefighters, law enforcement officers and EMTs credentialed at CC Teacher preparation, etc. Largest entry point to “green” these sectors
Community Colleges: Labor Market Responsive Workforce pipelines into community jobs with relevant and progressive skills Hands-on, real-time, employer customized training and learning opportunities for industry Increased reach of agencies and partners into communities American Association of Community Colleges
Department of Labor / Employment and Training Administration / Draft : June 24, 2009 Summary of Solicitations for Grant Applications to Support Careers in Energy and Efficiency and Renewable Energy $190 Million $150 Million $100 The Recovery Act designates approximatelyMillion $500,000,000 for research, labor exchange and job $50 training for projects that prepare workers for careers in energy efficiencyMillion and renewable $5 Million energy. StateEnergyPathways out of PovertyState EnergyGreen LMITrainingSectorCapacity- ImprovementPartnershipNationalLocalPartnershipBuilding Grantees and Training Number of Awards20 to 30 grants50 to 100 grants Range of Awards$750K to $1.25 M $2 to $5 million$3 to $8 million$2 to $4 million$2 to $6 million $50 K to $100 K for LMI consortia$2 M to $4 million Eligible ApplicantsStateNational,NationalLocalStateDOL Programs / Specific SGAs Workforcenonprofit entitiesWorkforce Indian and Native American Program AgencylaborentitiesBoards National Farmworker Jobs Program managementwith networksin Prisoner Re-entry Initiative The SGAorganizationsofpartnership Senior Comm. Sv. Employ. Program encouragesandlocalwith Women in Apprenticeship collaborativeStatewide oraffiliates,their State and Non-Traditional Occupations approaches,nonprofitcoalitionWorkforceYouthBuild wherebyentitiesmembers,Agency,Young Offender Grants multipleorlocal Workforce StatesotherInvestmentSGA Numbers for these apply as aestablishedBoards, andPrograms Enmerated in consortiumpartnersOne StopJune 24 SGA to conductCareer Center research withdelivery systems potential multi-StatePlease note: Full eligibility information may be found in Section III of the respective SGAs or national impact Webinar Date7/10/20097/13/20097/14/20097/10/2009 Closing Date for Proposals8/14/20099/4/20099/29/200910/20/20098/5/2009 Funded training programs under these solicitations will prepare individuals for careers in energy efficiency and renewable energy, with a focus on the seven sub-sectors defined in Section 171(e)(1)(B)(ii) of the Workforce Investment Act. (1) The energy-efficient building, construction, and retrofits industries; (2) The renewable electric power industry; (3) The energy efficient and advanced drive train vehicle industry; (4) The biofuels industry; (5) The deconstruction and materials use industries; (6) The energy efficiency assessment industry serving residential, commercial, or industrial sectors; and (7) Manufacturers that produce sustainable products using environmentally sustainable processes and materials. some portion reserved for areas undergoing auto industry restructuring portion of funds reserved for areas undergoing auto industry related restructuring Links to the June 24, 2009 FEDERAL REGISTER notices can be found at: grants.cfm atsnew/eta_default.cfm?id= Additionally, the Department is interested in applicants contributing to our understanding of green industries and jobs that clean and enhance our environment. Initial research supported by the Department of Labor shows that there are ‘‘growth, enhanced and emerging’’ green occupations across a number of industries. Applicants may propose strategies that train for those occupations from among the following industries: Transportation; green construction; environmental protection; sustainable agriculture including healthy food production; forestry; and recycling and waste reduction see O*NET report at Green.html
For more information: Jen Worth AACC Center for Workforce and Economic Development American Association of Community Colleges