BEOWULF Introductory Notes
No one is certain when Beowulf was first written, but it is speculated that it was finally transcribed by monks in 700 A.D. Probably evolved out of an oral tradition. Beowulf is one of the earliest works in English literature --ALTHOUGH– it takes place in Denmark & Sweden, on the Danish isle of Zealand.
It is important to study 2 aspects of Beowulf: 1. The depiction of the feudal system 2. The peculiar mix of ideas about religion & fate.
The Feudal System: Lords to slaves In Beowulf, the interest lies on the relationship between the king and his warriors. --revenge being the way of life: Depending on his station, each man had a price…when a man was killed by his enemy, his kinsmen were expected to cover that price in blood or payment (wergild) of gold.
Throughout the epic, Paganism (no faith) & Christianity clash. Wyrd = fate/opposite of God (Christianity) Cain = Grendel (Christian) Grendel – Pagan monster Believed by some critics that Christian elements were added by the monks who wrote down the epic.
There is a constant question of human destiny and freedom Christianity = human freedom to makes choices and pursue one’s own destiny Wyrd (fate) = controlled destiny where humans blindly follow.
The men do have dignity: –They avenge the deaths of kinsmen –They defend members of their community –They stand fast by those to whom they have sworn their loyalty
So, how can a man achieve even these things, if all humans are controlled by a predetermined fate (wyrd)? –The answer lies in Beowulf’s attitude: - a man must constantly test his fate and always act w/o fear. Perhaps fate may smile upon a man who stands firm when his destruction seems uncertain.
Evidence includes: 1. Battle w/Grendel – with his bare hands 2. Battle w/Grendel’s mother 3. Once again when he is old, a battle with a dragon
5 Characteristic of an Epic 1. Imposing hero 2. Vast setting 3. Lots of action 4. Supernatural forces 5. Serious tone
5 Conventions (customs) of an Epic 1. Theme 2. Poet invokes muse (thoughts) 3. Poet begins in medias res (in the middle of things) 4. Poet includes extended speeches 5. Poet includes catalogs (lists)
Materialism is a quality of the characters in Beowulf - a man’s aim was to win as many valuables as he could and hope to live forever. Nowadays referred to as: “He who dies with the most toys wins.”
Video Clips The History Channel The History Channel Beowulf Prologue in Old English Beowulf Prologue in Old English Beowulf “Opening Lines” Beowulf “Opening Lines”