Cultural Identity Facets Which Make Up Culture
Facets of Culture Religion Food Behaviors –Mannerisms Apparel – Clothing – Jewelry Government
Facets of Culture (cont.) Shared History Land usage Language Arts –Music –Poetry –Stories/ myths –Visual Arts
Facets of Culture (cont.) Values Geography Technology Contacts and trade Economy
First Civilizations – Sumer Sumerians settle in Tigris Euphrates valley around 4000 B.C.E.
Geography and Climate Tigris Euphrates River valley – “Fertile Crescent” River floods each spring leaving behind rich soil. Little rainfall (led to advances in irrigation) Such a flat area – very open to invasion
Technology Civilization largely dependent on advances in 4 th century B.C.E. Pottery wheel Irrigation Wheel Writing (cuneiform) Shipbuilding improvements
Technology Bronze working (around 4000 B.C.E) –Hoes –Plows –Weapons More technology increased specialization and artisan class Glass New about movement of moon and stars
Technology (cont.) Sumerian system of numbers based on 12, 60, 360.
Food Came from agriculture Increased agriculture technology created a surplus Could focus on more than survival Date trees, onions, garlic, etc Oxen used for farming
Land usage Land rights and ownership Agriculture largely led to this concept of private land Owning land provided incentive for improvements –Irrigation ditches, etc Difficulty of irrigation led to greater communities
Religion People buffeted by fate Gods are temperamental and must be appeased Built centers of worship and pilgrimage Elaborately decorated temples for grim gods that ultimately controlled human destiny
Religion (cont.) Believed every object in nature should have a separate name to ensure place in universe. Thus, writing quickly took on religious purposes. Priests controlled writing (mostly done on clay cylinders) Beliefs greatly influenced later Muslim, Christian and Jewish cultures.
Behaviors Relied on slave labor Had vast armies to help protect land
Government First code of laws comes and records kept –Largely an advance allowed by writing Based on tightly organized city-states –Urban king with great authority Ruled agricultural hinterland –Local councils to advise the king –Helped define boundaries/ land use Kings and priests had control Regional rule
Government Cont. Connected to religion
Shared History Can be seen in epic story of Gilgamesh
Arts First book: Epic Poem Gilgamesh –Adapted from oral poem –Hero does good deeds but often bumps up against the gods. Art often had a somber tone Large Ziggurats were monumental architecture with religious purpose.
Values Increased stratification of social rank
Contacts and trade Traded food and good Adopted silver as a means of buying and selling Traded with lower Persian Gulf to western Mediterranean and to India
After the decline of Sumer Sumerian culture greatly influenced later Akkadian and Babylonian cultures