1 Chapter 11 Finalizing a Document
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 2 What’s Inside and on the CD? In this chapter, you’ll learn how to add finishing touches to your document, including: –Adding headers and footers –Setting margins –Incorporating graphics –Save your document in HTML format –Adding comments and tracking changes
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 3 How do I create headers and footers? Header is text that appears at top of every page Footer is text that appears at bottom of every page Typically display title of document, current date, author’s name, and page numbers
How do I create headers and footers? Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 4
5 How do I create headers and footers? Where headers and footers are displayed: –Print Layout View –Full Screen Reading view –Print Preview –On printed pages Headers and footers preset tabs –A center tab in middle of page –A right tab near right margin Pressing Tab key will move insertion point to next tab
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 6 How do I create headers and footers? Use Page Number button in the Header & Footer group to insert the page number Use the Date & Time button in the Insert group to insert the current date and time Click the Go to Header or Go to Footer button to switch between header and footer Change the font and font style of page numbers just as you would with any other text
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 7 How do I insert page breaks and section breaks? Page breaks occur when one page ends and the next begins When a page is full, Word automatically inserts page break You may “force” a page break at any point
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 8 How do I insert page breaks and section breaks? Section break, displayed as double dotted line, divides document into sections You can apply different formatting to each section To insert a break –Click Page Layout tab –Click Breaks –Select type of break –Click OK
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 9 How do I insert page breaks and section breaks?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter Can I insert photos into a document? Two types of graphics may be inserted: –Vector graphics –Bitmap graphics Bitmap referred to as “picture” with extensions:.bmp,.png,.jpg,.tif,.gif Insert pictures and other bitmaps from files stored in computer
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter Can I insert graphics into a document? To insert bitmap graphic: –Click Insert tab –Click Picture from Illustrations group –Use Open dialog to navigate to folder containing selection –Click to insert
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter Can I insert graphics into a document? To crop picture: –Select picture –Click Crop button on Size group –Drag edges to frame part you want Adjust brightness, contrast, and color of picture: –Select graphic –Click Brightness, Contrast, or Recolor buttons
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter Can I insert graphics into a document? Control text flow around picture in document: –Select picture –From Arrange group select Text Wrapping button –Select choice from list To delete a picture: –Click picture –Press Delete button
Can I insert graphics into a document? Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 14
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter Can I insert line art into a document? Vector graphic, sometimes called “drawing,” created with basic shapes such as lines, curves, and rectangles Clip art, logos, organizational charts created with vector graphics To access Clip Art: –Click Insert tab –Click Clip Art in Illustrations group
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter Can I insert line art into a document? Word’s Shapes allow creation of vector graphics within document To create complex drawings, combine several shapes within a rectangle call a “canvas” To open blank canvas: –Click Insert tab –Click Shapes button –Click New Drawing Canvas
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter Can I insert line art into a document? Multiple shapes can be grouped together: –Hold down Ctrl key and select shapes –Right-click shapes –Point to Grouping –Click Group –Ungroup shapes by clicking Ungroup
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter Can I insert line art into a document? Use layers to make shapes appear to stack or appear in front or behind To move a shape from one level to another: –Right-click shape –Choose Order –Select order from list To control text flows around vector graphics: –Click Text Wrapping from the Arrange group –Select an option from the list
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter Can I insert line art into a document?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter How do I set margins? Margin settings typically apply to entire document, and are changed using Page Setup on the Page Layout tab Default margins are set to 1” on all sides Smaller margins allow for more text, larger margins reduce amount of text that will fit on page
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter How do I set margins?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter How do I set margins? If using headers and footers, don’t set top and bottom margins too small or headers and footers will not print correctly Portrait orientation will display and print page vertically Landscape orientation will display and print page sideways
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter How do I set margins? Paper tab is used to set paper size and how paper will feed into default printer Select appropriate paper size from Paper size list Layout tab is useful for creating different headers and footers for odd and even pages
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter How do I set margins? Other layout options allow you to: –Center text vertically on page –Insert line numbers –Add graphical elements such as borders to document These formatting options can apply to entire document or to selected sections
How do I perform a mail merge? A mail merge allows you to create multiple documents from a starting document and a data source You can compose your starting document from scratch or from a document template The data source can come from a(n) –Database file –Outlook –Excel spreadsheet –Word document Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 25
How do I perform a mail merge? Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 26
How do I perform a mail merge? Merge lists contain data such as names and addresses –Each item is considered a field –A merge field contains one item of data –A merge block can contain multiple lines Merge fields are enclosed in angle brackets Use the Write & Insert Fields group to insert pre- formatted merge field blocks or individual merge fields Preview your final documents Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 27
How do I perform a mail merge? Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 28
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter How do I save a document as a Web page? Document may be posted on Internet as Web page Must be in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) format to be accessible to Web browsers Use the Save As option accessed from the Microsoft Office button to save a document in HTML format
How do I save a document as a Web page? Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 30
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter How do I save a document as a Web page? Not all formatting elements in Word document can be properly converted to HTML Message will be displayed if Word encounters problems during conversion process Cancel or continue with conversion process if problems are encountered
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter How do I save a document as a Web page? To view HTML document, locate the file with Windows Explorer and double-click it Long Word document will display as one continuous Web page When viewed with browser, vertical scroll bar allows viewer to move through document
How do I convert a document into a PDF? PDF was created by Adobe Systems –Has become a universal standard for exchanging files –Preserves layout Software for viewing PDFs is free To convert a Word document to PDF: –Save it first as a normal Word document –Use the Save As command and select PDF from the Save As type list Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 33
How do I convert a document into a PDF? Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 34
How do I convert a document into a PDF? You might have to install the Publish as PDF or XPS Add-in for Microsoft Office 2007 Software for creating PDFs can be obtained a number of ways Free PDF software usually allows you to create, read, and print PDF files Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 35
How do I convert a document into a PDF? Some PDF software offers additional features –Adobe Acrobat Professional Insert text Make line-out deletions Highlight passages Add comments XPS is similar to PDF, but created by Microsoft Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 36
How do I work with electronic documents? Word has several built-in features that help you work with electronic documents –Office button’s Send option –Publish option –Fax templates The way you plan to use a document affects the way you handle it Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 37
How do I work with electronic documents? Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 38
How do I work with electronic documents? Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 39
How do I work with electronic documents? Remain alert to avoid the following problems: –Loss of information or formatting –Necessary software not installed –Missing linked data –Blocked file types –Large files Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 40
How do I work with electronic documents? Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 41
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter Can I track changes and insert comments in a document? As document is revised, you can maintain record of original wording Track Changes feature maintains all deleted, changed, and inserted text – displays as contrasting color You may hide or display “changes” and integrate them by “accepting” them
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter Can I track changes and insert comments in a document? Word’s comment feature allows insertion of “sticky notes” in document Comments displayed as balloons in margins, and displayed or hidden as needed
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter Can I track changes and insert comments in a document?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter Can I track changes and insert comments in a document? Before inserting comments or tracking changes: –Click the Review tab –Click Track Changes To accept changes: –Click changed text –Click Accept Change button –To reject change, use Reject options in the Changes group
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter Can I track changes and insert comments in a document? To accept all changes: –Click Accept in the Changes group –Click Accept All Changes in Document To reject all changes: –Click Reject in the Changes group –Click Reject All Changes in Document To insert a comment: –Click New Comment on the Review tab –Type comment
Is there a way to protect documents from unauthorized access? You can protect your documents in several ways –Encrypt the document so that it can be opened only when a valid password is entered Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 47
Is there a way to protect documents from unauthorized access? Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 48
Is there a way to protect documents from unauthorized access? –Allow anyone to open a document, but restrict the types of edits that can be made Word’s Protect Document group Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 49
Is there a way to protect documents from unauthorized access? Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 50
Is there a way to protect documents from unauthorized access? To deactivate document protection, use the Protect Document button to access the Restrict Formatting and Editing task pane –Scroll to the bottom and click the Stop Protection button Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 51
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter What other features can I use to finalize my documents? Borders and shading allow emphasizing text or parts of table –Border: Line or graphic drawn around page or section of text –Shading: Grayscale or color background applied to text or table cells To apply borders and shading: –Click Home tab –Click the down-arrow button on the Borders and Shading button
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter What other features can I use to finalize my documents? Theme is predefined set of coordinated styles, colors, and text options to be applied to existing documents for professional enhancement Word includes Apex, Metro, and Office themes To chose theme: –Click Page Layout tab –Click Themes in the Themes group
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter What other features can I use to finalize my documents? AutoFormat allows automatic formatting Examples are replacing fractions (1/4 with ¼) and formatting internet addresses as hyperlinks To activate: –Click Proofing tab –Click AutoCorrect Options button
Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter What other features can I use to finalize my documents? Format Painter allows replication of formats between text sections –Click any text that has format to be replicated –Click Format Painter button –Click text where format is to be applied If you double-click Format Painter button, it can be applied to several locations To stop Format Painter click button again
What other features can I use to finalize my documents? Practical Computer Literacy, 2 nd edition Chapter 11 56