Applicant Support JAS WG Update ICANN Silicon Valley Meeting March 13-18
Agenda Charter Current work Review of proposed framework Webpage per Board Resolution Next steps
Charter GNSO and ALAC renewed Charters Some differences between Charters scope No precedent; no bylaws exist to address issue JAS WG continues to work based on the previous scope
Subgroups Subgroup 1 (A B) - How to prioritize criteria for financial need + define mechanisms Subgroup 2 (C G) - Funding and Foundations Subgroup 3 (D E F) - How to provide assistance for applicants; coordinating the assistance Subgroup 4 (H) - how to phase - phase fees, waive fees
Who Should Receive Support? Need Criteria Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), civil society and not-for-profit organizations Applicants located in emerging economies Local entrepreneurs, in those markets where market constraints make normal business operations more difficult Applications in languages whose presence on the web is limited Community based applications such as cultural, linguistic and ethnic
Who Should NOT Receive Support? Geographic names Purely Governmental or Para-statal applicants Business models that fail to demonstrate sustainability “.brand TLDs” category be defined by a future applicant process (consensus with minority view)
Kind of Support to be Offered Cost Reduction Support Sponsorship and other funding support Logistical support Modifications to the financial continued operation instrument obligation Technical support for applicants in operating or qualifying to operate a gTLD Exception to the rules requiring separation of the Registry and Registrar function
Guiding Principles Self-Financing Responsibility Sunset Period – 5 years? Transparency Limited Government Support Repayment in success cases
Next Steps Finalize work of Subgroups Creation of webpage per Board Resolution
Board Resolution 25 September New gTLD Applicant Support Support to applicants will generally include outreach and education to encourage participation across all regions, but any direct financial support for applicant fees must come from sources outside of ICANN. Staff will publish a list of organizations that request assistance and organizations that state an interest in assisting with additional program development, for example pro- bono consulting advice, pro-bono in-kind support, or financial assistance so that those needing assistance and those willing to provide assistance can identify each other and work together. Owing to the level of uncertainty associated with the launch of new gTLDs, the fee levels currently in the Applicant Guidebook will be maintained for all applicants.
ABOUTFOR APPLICANTSAPPLICATION STATUSANNOUNCEMENTS & MEDIA TAS Applicant Guidebook Customer ServiceApplicant Resources Applicant Support Area for text describing what this is. Name Contact information Geographic Location Type of Assistance Seeking Jane Doe John Doe Organization Contact information Geographic Location Type of Assistance Offered gTLD Help Organization Providing Assistance Organization Applicants Seeking Assistance Organizations Offering Assistance Box for text and to include a link to a form to request assistance or offer assistance If you are an applicant seeking assistance, click here If you are an organization offering assistance, click here Site footer Languages navigation
Applicant Seeking Assistance Name of Applicant (entity): Contact Person: Title: Contact Details Phone: Address: Website: Geographic Location (country drop down box): Type of assistance needed (drop down box): Terms and Conditions Organization Offering Support Name of Organization: Contact Person: Title: Contact Details Phone: Address: Website: Geographic Location (country drop down box): Type of assistance offered (drop down box): Terms and Conditions FORMS IT will create. Will not auto populate the matrix
Process Overview Applicant /Organization fill out the online form, accept T&Cs Applicant /Organization receive from ICANN then click on confirmation link to finalize the submission process ICANN staff confirms and accepts submissionInformation displayed on website
Webpage Development Finalize webpage content, including disclaimers + T&C April/May 2011 Finalize internal processes to maintain data April/May 2011 Go live with the webpage – launch with an announcement explaining what this is and why we are doing it inviting people to participate; advertise May/June 2011 Monitor website and page on-going Note: website, announcement/communications related to this effort will be in 6 UN languages.
Where to Find More Info… Milestone Report: Wiki: AC+New+gTLD+Applicant+Support+Working+Group+%28JAS-WG%29 New gTLD Program: