Weaving Technology into Language Arts Mitzi C. Smith AETE 731
What is literacy? In today’s society the definition for literacy has changed into a complex definition including more than just reading and writing.
Our Technological World Faxes Mobile phone messages World Wide Web Automatic Teller Machines
Language Arts Standards Read Write Listen Speak Access information through computer use Evaluate gathered information Think critically about messages Communicate using technological resources
Web Literacy Provides nonlinear strategies of thinking Allows nonhierarchical strategies Requires visual literacy skills to understand multimedia components Is interactive, with the reader able to add, change, or move text
Benefits of Technology Integration Novelty Flexibility Multiple Perspectives about Cultures Accommodations for Learning Disabilities
Teaching Strategies Model how to refine key-word searches Provide mechanisms to overcome frustrations when using technology “Chunking Technique” Provide short-cuts to sites or search engines Limit links
Why integrate technology? Technology opens a door of opportunity to teachers and students to enrich and expand concepts of literacy. Educators must press ahead so that our students do not get left behind.