1 Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT Changing Patient Management
2 Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT Changing Patient Management: Patient #1 Asymptomatic Prostate Cancer Patient with slightly elevated PSA levels referred for 99m Tc MDP Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT bone study. CT results show possible sclerosis in body of sternum and L1 vertebra. Response: indeterminate scan, more tests, watchful waiting. L1 VERTEBRA STERNUM Data courtesy of Radiology Clinic Parkway Hospitals, Singapore
3 Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT Changing Patient Management: Patient #1 Asymptomatic Prostate Cancer Patient with slightly elevated PSA levels referred for 99m Tc MDP Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT study. Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT results reveal multiple hot spots, several without corresponding CT abnormalities, all suggestive of early metastatic disease. STERNUM Data courtesy of Radiology Clinic Parkway Hospitals, Singapore Response: patient treated for prostate cancer with metastatic spread. L1 VERTEBRA
4 Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT Changing Patient Management: Patient #2 Seatbelt Injury Patient in recent car accident presents with chest pain, and referred for 99m Tc MDP Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT bone study. Data courtesy of Radiology Clinic Parkway Hospitals, Singapore CT results read as normal. Response: patient anxious, referred for more tests.
5 Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT Changing Patient Management: Patient #2 Seatbelt Injury Patient in recent car accident presents with chest pain, and referred for 99m Tc MDP Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT bone study. Data courtesy of Radiology Clinic Parkway Hospitals, Singapore Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT results reveal stress fractures in body of sternum and left 5 th and 6 th ribs. Response: diagnosis changed, further tests avoided.
6 Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT Changing Patient Management: Patient #3 Mandibular Tumor Patient referred to 99m Tc MDP Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT bone study for surgical planning for removal of tumor of the right mandible. Data courtesy of Radiology Clinic Parkway Hospitals, Singapore CT results clearly identify evidence of osteosclerosis.
7 Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT Changing Patient Management: Patient #3 Mandibular Tumor Patient referred to 99m Tc MDP Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT bone study for surgical planning for removal of tumor of the right mandible. Data courtesy of Radiology Clinic Parkway Hospitals, Singapore SPECT results identify proximate location of tumor and evidence of cancerous process.
8 Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT Changing Patient Management: Patient #3 Mandibular Tumor Patient referred to 99m Tc MDP Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT bone study for surgical planning for removal of tumor of the right mandible. Data courtesy of Radiology Clinic Parkway Hospitals, Singapore Symbia TruePoint SPECTCT clearly identifies both evidence of cancerous process as well as precise location for optimal surgical resection.
9 Siemens Molecular Imaging Innovation is in our genes.