Social Good Lab Nicolas Hazard June 6, GECES
SOCIAL INNOVATION IS NOT FINANCED YET BY FRENCH STATE OSEO is a French public-sector institution dedicated to economic development with the mission of promoting innovation and growth of SMEs by providing assistance and financial support. 2 Definition of “innovation” by Oséo: “Any creating process of competitive advantages in products, processes, services, methods, based on technologies or new know-how for the company”. The main tool used by the French government to support and finance innovative SMEs does not recognize social innovation. New measures announced…
LOCAL AUTHORITIES WILLING TO DEVELOP SOCIAL INNOVATION PARIS INCUBATEURS -An initiative of the City of Paris and Ile-de-France Region; -12 incubation programs in Paris (Cleantech; Finance; New Media; Video Games; Mobility; Edition; etc.); -A financing partnership with Oséo (€100k per project); -Creative partnerships with corporate companies. 3
A NEW PROJECT: SOCIAL GOOD LAB SOCIAL INNOVATION FINANCING SUPPORT ACCOMMODATION 4 OBJECTIVES: 1.To develop technological innovations with social purposes; 2.To support and professionalize new social enterprises; 3.To finance social entrepreneurship; 4.To sensitize the French State to social innovation.
EXAMPLES OF SUPPORTED SOCIAL ENTERPRISES 5 Eligibility criteria: 1.Technologically innovative project 2.Located in Paris PHITECH Connector technology Technological devices to improve the accessibility for people with sensor disabilities. LEKA TOYS Robotic technology Smart and interactive robotic toys for autistic children. MOBILE FOR GOOD Mobile technology Mobile application to collect donations for non profit organizations. 3.Sustainable economic model 4.Social and/ or environmental impact